Employees Accounting Tab

Use this tab in the Employees hub to enter, edit, or review an employee's accounting information, such as job costing, absence accruals, banking, external payroll, and provisional rates information.

The information on this tab is used when you process timesheets or payroll and when you generate reports.


If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, the following applies:

  • The data that you enter on a tab applies to the company that the current record is associated with.
  • The tabs and fields that display are based on the company that the current record is associated with. For example, if the employee is associated with four different companies but only one company has access to Payroll, the Payroll tab of the Employees form displays only when you are viewing that company's record.
  • The values that are available in the individual fields and lookups are based on the company that the record is associated with. For example, only timesheet groups that are associated with the current company are available in the Group field on the Time & Expense tab of the Employees form.
  • If the Automatically retrieve your record in Employee Hub/Employee Review checkbox is selected on the General tab of My Preferences, the employee record that automatically loads is for the home company that is associated with the current record. If the record is associated with multiple companies, the home company record displays first.

Job Cost Section

Field Description
Approved for Use in Processing

Select this checkbox to allow this employee record to be used in accounting transactions. Clear the checkbox to prevent the employee record from being used in accounting transactions.

This checkbox displays if you have the Accounting module.

Only employees whose security role has the Accounting checkbox selected for Type of Role in Settings > Security > Roles can select or clear the Approved for Use in Processing checkbox.

The following apply:

  • If the Firm checkbox is selected for the employee on the Overview tab of the Employees form, the Approved for Use in Processing checkbox is disabled and cannot be selected.
  • After the Approved for Use in Processing checkbox is selected and an employee has accounting transactions, you cannot clear the Approved for Use in Processing checkbox.

When you select the Approved for Use in Processing checkbox, you must also complete the following:

  • In the Job Cost section of the Accounting tab on the Employees form, select a labor type for the employee in the Labor Type field.
  • On the Time & Expense tab on the Employees form, enter information in the Default Labor Code section.

If you use Payroll and you do not select this checkbox, Vantagepoint excludes the employee from Automatic Payroll Processing runs.

Field Description
Labor Type If you select the Approved for Use in Processing checkbox for the employee, you must select a labor posting type for the employee.

You define labor posting types in Vantagepoint on the Labor Posting form (Settings > Accounting > Labor Posting). You can enter labor posting types, such as Principal and Employee. Each labor posting type can be associated with a direct and indirect general ledger account.

Job Cost Type Select the job cost type for the employee. The options are Hourly and Salary. The job cost type is used with the entries in the Rate, Overtime Percent, and Overtime - 2 Percent fields in this section and the employee's timesheet entries to calculate the employee's job cost rate for the hours charged to a project.

If you select Hourly in this field, enter the employee's hourly rate in the Rate field. If you select Salary in this field, enter the employee's salary in the Rate field.

Cost Rate Enter the rate to use to distribute the cost of the employee's labor hours to projects. When you post timesheets, Vantagepoint associates a rate with each employee's labor charges. This rate displays in the general ledger and on your project reports. Typically, the job cost rate is a standard rate (the employee's annual salary / 2,080 hours per year).

There are three methods to calculate an employee's job cost rate:

  • Fixed Hourly Rate (also known as a Standard Rate)
  • Payroll Rate
  • Direct Personnel Expense (DPE)

When you post employee timesheets, Vantagepoint debits labor charges for each employee (by labor type) to the labor accounts specified on the Labor Posting form (Settings > Accounting > Labor Posting) and credited to the Job Cost Variance account (703.00). This method ensures that a consistent rate is posted to all projects for a given labor type, regardless of the number of hours worked.

When you process payroll, Vantagepoint posts the gross payroll amount to the Job Cost Variance account. Any remaining balance in the Job Cost Variance account is the adjustment amount of the standard cost used for project reporting and the actual pay rate. Typically, there is an adjustment in this account due to employees working more or less than 40 hours per week (2,080 hours per year).

To enter a salaried rate in the Rate field, you must select the Allow Job Cost Rates to Be Salaries checkbox on the Timesheets tab of Accounting Company Settings (Settings > Accounting > Labor Options).

The job cost rate cannot exceed the maximum hourly rate that is entered in the Maximum Hourly Rate field on the Timesheets tab of Accounting Company Settings.

You can use cost rate methods and tables in the Cost Rate Table Method and Cost Rate Table fields in this section to override the information entered in the Rate field.

Cost Overtime Percent Enter the percentage of the employee's hourly wage to apply to projects when the employee works standard overtime hours.

Each employee determines the amount of overtime worked in a given labor period. Vantagepoint does not calculate overtime hours based on the hours worked. Overtime hours must be entered in Timesheets or Timesheets Transaction Entry to be considered overtime hours.

If you are using the Accounting application, the overtime percentage affects indirect expenses through the Job Cost Variance account. If you set employee job cost rates to rates greater than you pay your employees, your overhead costs are lowered by the excess amount of the job cost rate. This variance adjusts the Income Expense Statement to the actual payroll cost.

When posting timesheets, Vantagepoint credits the Job Cost Variance account (703.00), which offsets the labor expense posted. When you process your payroll, Vantagepoint debits the Job Cost Variance account for the total payroll expense. The resulting variance amount is the difference between the posted timesheets and the payroll amount.

To cost all hours on a project but not pay your employees overtime, enter all hours worked in the regular hours fields on timesheets, regardless of the number of hours worked. Or, enter 100 in the Overtime Percent field and enter overtime hours in the overtime hours fields on timesheets; the overtime hours entered will be costed at regular rates, and you will be able to show the overtime hours separately on timesheets and project reports.

If you cost overtime hours but do not pay your employees overtime (in Payroll), you will most likely see a variance in the Job Cost Variance account. You can enter 0 in the Overtime Percent field; however, your project reports will then show overtime hours but no cost for those hours.

Cost Overtime - 2 Percent Enter the percentage of the employee's hourly wage to cost to projects when the employee works special overtime hours. Use this field if you need to cost certain overtime hours to projects at a rate that differs from the standard overtime rate.

This field is available only if you set Enable Secondary Overtime to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

Cost Rate Table Method This field displays if you use the Accounting module. To activate the field, in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options, set the Enable Cost Rate Tables option to Yes.

Select the cost rate table method to use for the employee for timesheets and billing transfers. You can associate cost rates with projects, employees, or both. For more information about how Vantagepoint determines which cost rate to use when timesheets and billing transfers are posted, see Effective Dates and Cost Rates Hierarchy.

To use this field, you must first set up cost/pay labor rate, labor category, or labor code tables in Settings > Rate Tables.

Options for this field are:

  • None: If you select None, the employee's cost rate that is entered in the Rate field in the Job Cost section of this tab is used.
  • From Labor Rate Table: Select this option to use a labor rate table for the employee.
  • From Category Rate Table: Select this option to use a category rate table for the employee.
  • From Labor Code Table: Select this option to use a labor code table for the employee.
Cost Rate Table This field displays if you select From Labor Rate Table, From Category Rate Table, or From Labor Code Table in the Cost Rate Table Method field.

Select the cost rate table to use for the employee. Only the tables to which the employee has been added in Settings > Rate Tables display in the drop-down list.

Absence Accruals Grid

Use this grid to set up absence accruals, such as vacation, sick leave, or personal time off, for an employee. This information is used to process an employee's absence accruals hours earned and taken. This grid displays only if you have the Accounting module installed.

Field Description
+ Add Absence Accrual Click this option to add a blank row to the Absence Accruals grid and enter an absence accrual for the employee.
Absence Accrual Code Select the absence accrual to add for the employee, such as vacation, sick leave, or holiday. The items in the drop-down list are the descriptions of the accrual codes that you set up for your enterprise on the Absence Accrual form in Settings > Accounting > Absence Accrual.
Method Select the calculation method for the accrual code:
  • Frequency: When benefit accruals are processed, this method calculates the accrued earned hours based on the Hours Earned Per Year divided by the absence accrual frequency that is entered in the Absence Accrual Frequency field in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options. For example, if an employee earns 80 hours per year and absence accruals are run weekly, the employee will earn 1.54 hours per accrual process (80/52).
  • Schedule: Use this method to accrue benefit hours at different rates for different periods of time (schedules). You set up absence accrual schedules in Settings > Accounting > Accrual Schedules.
  • Hours Worked: When absence accruals are processed, this method calculates the accrued earned hours based on the Hours Earned Per Hour Worked multiplied by the total posted hours selected in the Accrual Process.

If you have multiple companies and the company that is associated with the employee record does not have the Hours Worked feature enabled in Settings, then Hours Worked is not available as a method. The values in the drop-down list for this field may vary by company if some companies have the feature enabled and some companies do not.

Schedule This field displays if you select Schedule in the Method field. Select the accrual schedule for the selected absence accrual code. You set up absence accrual schedules in Settings > Accounting > Accrual Schedules.

If you select a default schedule for the accrual type on the Benefit Accrual Setup tab of Settings > Accounting > Time Analysis, the default schedule code displays in this field when you select Schedule in the Method field. You can change the default selection.

If the schedule is set to calculate based on Hours Worked, the Hours Earned Per Year, Hours Earned Per Hour Worked, and Max Hours Earned Per Accrual Process are defined in the Accrual schedule and locked in this grid.

Hours Earned Per Year This field is enabled when you select Frequency or Hours Worked in the Method field. Enter the number of hours per year that the employee earns for this absence accrual.
Hours Earned Per Hour Worked This field is enabled when you select Hours Worked in the Method field.

Vantagepoint calculates the Hours Earned Per Hour Worked based on the following information:

  • Hours/day: On the Employment Details tab of the Employees form
  • Working days per week: In Settings > Time > Non-Work Days
  • Number of weeks/year: 52
  • Hours Earned Per Year: [amount entered in this field]

The calculation is as follows:

Hours/day x Working days per week x Number of weeks/year. Then divide that number by the Hours Earned Per Year.

For example:
  • Hours/day: 8
  • Working days per week: 5
  • Number of weeks/year: 52

8 x 5 x 52 = 2080

Hours Earned Per Year = 80

80 / 2080 = .038 Hours Earned Per Hour Worked

If you use multiple companies, this column displays only for companies that have the Method set to Hours Worked.

If the Hours Earned Per Hour Worked should be a different value than those calculated based on Hours Earned Per Year, you can override the default calculation.

Max Hours Earned Per Accrual Process This field is enabled when you select Hours Worked in the Method field. Use this field to define the maximum number of hours to be earned within an accrual processing run.

For example, you may not want to allow an employee to accrue more benefit hours than the number of hours in an expected work week. In the Max Hours Earned Per Accrual Process, you would enter the expected hours in a work week. Or, you may not want to allow an employee to accrue extra vacation time when they work additional hours during a timesheet period. In the Max Hours Earned Per Accrual Process field, you would enter a maximum amount of hours allowed.

Change Date Specify the date on which the accrual will change. For example, if an employee will earn additional vacation time after being employed for a specified period of time, enter the date on which the employee should begin earning the additional time off. This date displays on the Accrued Time report as a reminder to update employee benefit information.
Has Maximum Select the way that you want Vantagepoint to determine the maximum number of benefit hours the employee can have at any given time.

For example, if you set a limit of 200 hours for the vacation absence accrual, the employee can never carry a balance of more than 200 hours of vacation time. After the employee reaches the 200 hour limit, Vantagepoint no longer accrues vacation hours for the employee. If the employee drops below the 200 hour limit, Vantagepoint resumes vacation accrual.

The options are:

  • System: Vantagepoint uses the maximum hours specified for the absence accrual on the Absence Accrual Setup tab of the Time Analysis and Absence Accrual form in Settings > Accounting > Time Analysis.
  • Yes: The Maximum field in the Absence Accruals grid is enabled. Use this field to enter the maximum benefit hours allowed for the employee at any given time. This selection overrides the maximum amount specified for the absence accrual on the Accrual Codes grid in the Settings > Accounting > Absence Accrual .
  • No: There is no limit to the number of hours that the employee can accrue for this benefit. This selection overrides the maximum amount specified for the absence accrual on the Accrual Codes grid in the Settings > Accounting > Absence Accrual.
Maximum If you select Yes in the Has Maximum field, you must enter the maximum number of benefit hours that the employee can have at any given time.

For example, if you set a limit of 200 hours for the vacation absence accrual, the employee can never carry a balance of more than 200 hours of vacation time. After the employee reaches the 200 hour limit, Vantagepoint no longer accrues vacation hours for the employee. If the employee drops below the 200 hour limit, Vantagepoint resumes vacation accrual.

This field is disabled if you select System or No in the Has Maximum field.

Has Carryover Limit Select the way that you want Vantagepoint to determine the maximum number of benefit hours that the employee can carry over from one absence accrual year to the next.

For example, if you allow an employee to carry over 80 hours of sick time, and the employee has 90 hours at the end of the year, Vantagepoint deducts 10 hours from the employee's sick time balance when you start the new absence accrual year. The employee starts the new year with 80 hours of sick time.

The options are:

  • System: This option uses the carryover limit specified for the absence accrual on the Absence Accrual Setup tab of the Time Analysis and Absence Accrual form (Settings > Accounting > Time Analysis).
  • Yes: Select this option to enable the Carryover Limit field in the Absence Accruals grid. Use this field to enter the maximum number of benefit hours you will allow the employee to carry over from one absence accrual year to the next. This selection overrides the carryover limit specified for the absence accrual on the Accrual Codes grid in Settings > Accounting > Absence Accrual.
  • No: If you select this option, there is no limit to the number of hours that the employee can carry over from one absence accrual year to the next. This selection overrides the carryover limit specified for the absence accrual on the Accrual Codes grid in Settings > Accounting > Absence Accrual.
Carryover Limit If you select Yes in the Limit Carryover field, you must enter the maximum number of benefit hours that the employee can carry over from one absence accrual year to the next.

For example, if you allow an employee to carry over 80 hours of sick time, and the employee has 90 hours at the end of the year, Vantagepoint deducts 10 hours from the employee's sick time balance when you start the new absence accrual year. The employee starts the new year with 80 hours of sick time.

This field is not enabled if you select System or No in the Has Carryover Limit field.

Banking Information Section

Use the fields in this section to maintain employee direct deposit information for payroll and employee expense payments. You can deposit all or a portion of an employee’s payroll or expense payments to one or more of the employee’s bank accounts.

Field Description
Payment Method Select the method of payment for the employee. The options are:
  • NACHA/Check: Pay the employee using the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) electronic payment network or a check. When you select this option, enter information in the Direct Deposit grid and complete the Email Payroll Remittance and Email Expense Remittance checkboxes that displays below the Payment Method field.
  • SEPA: Pay the employee using the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) .xml file format that is commonly used in European countries. When you select this option, enter information in the IBAN and BIC fields that display below the Payment Method field.
  • ClieOp: Pay the employee using the ClieOp format. This format is commonly used to make payments to recipients in the Netherlands in Euros or where multiple types of currency need to be supported for a single bank. When you select this option, enter information in the Account Type and Account Number fields that display below the Payment Method field.

Direct Deposit Grid that Displays When You Select NACHA/Check in the Payment Method Field

This grid displays when you select NACHA/Check in the Payment Method field.

Click + Add Direct Deposit below the grid to add a blank row to the grid and then enter direct deposit information for the employee. You use Employee Expenses Payment Processing in the Accounting application to print checks, post payments, and process direct deposits.

Hover over the row and then click to use the Copy and Delete row tools to copy a row to create another one or delete a row in the grid.

Field Description
Seq Enter the sequence number for the direct deposit. The sequence number determines the order in which direct deposits are made if you select multiple accounts.
Bank Enter the bank routing number of the bank for the employee's direct deposit.
Account Number Enter the employee's bank account number in which the direct deposit payment will be deposited.
Account Type Select the employee's bank account type: Checking or Savings.
Status Select a status for the employee’s direct deposit:
  • Add: This status indicates that you plan to initiate the pre-notification step for this direct deposit account with the next expense repayments processing run.
  • Wait: After you process payroll or employee expense repayments for all employees, any direct deposit accounts with a status of Add change to a status of Wait. This status indicates that you are waiting for bank verification of the employee's account. You must change the status to Active when you receive verification of the employee's account information.
  • Active: This status indicates that the employee's account information has been verified and that your bank has approved direct deposit transactions to the account.
Payroll Method This field is available if you use Vantagepoint Payroll. Select the method that you want to use when depositing payroll funds for the employee.
The options are:
  • Amount: Vantagepoint allocates a specified amount of the employee's total paycheck to this account when you process payroll. You enter the amount in the Payroll Amount/Percent field.
  • Percentage: Vantagepoint allocates a specified percentage of the employee's total paycheck to this account when you process payroll. You enter the percentage in the Payroll Amount/Percent field. If the employee has funds deposited to more than one account, the total percentage for all accounts must equal 100% unless you select Remainder as the Payroll Method for one of the accounts.
  • Remainder: An employee can elect to make direct deposits to more than one account. If you select multiple accounts, you can designate one account to receive the balance remaining after specified amounts are deposited to the other accounts. Vantagepoint allocates the amounts or percentages specified for all the other accounts and then allocates any remaining amount to the remainder account. One account must be designated the remainder if you are depositing funds to more than one account and you select Amount as the Payroll Method.
  • None: Vantagepoint does not allocate any portion of the employee's total paycheck to this account when you process payroll for the employee.
Amount/Percent This field is available if you use Payroll.
If you set the Payroll Method field to this: Then do this for the Amount/Percent field:
Amount Enter the amount to use to calculate the direct deposit allocation for the account.
Percentage Enter the percent to use to calculate the direct deposit allocation for the account.
Remainder Leave this field blank.
Expense Repayment Method Select the expense repayment method to use when you deposit expense repayments for the employee:
  • Amount: Vantagepoint allocates a specified amount of the total expense repayment to this account when you process an expense repayment for the employee. You enter the amount in the Expense Repayments Amount/Percent field.
  • Percentage: Vantagepoint allocates a specified percentage of the total expense repayment to this account when you process an expense repayment for the employee. You enter the percentage in the Expense Repayments Amount/Percent field. If the employee has funds deposited to more than one account, the total percentage for all accounts should equal 100% unless you select Remainder as the Expense Repayments Method for one of the accounts.
  • Remainder: An employee can elect to make direct deposits to more than one account. If you select multiple accounts, you can designate one account to receive the balance remaining after specified amounts have been deposited to the other accounts. Vantagepoint allocates the amounts or percentages specified for all the other accounts and then allocates any remaining amount to the remainder account. One account must be designated the remainder if you are depositing funds to more than one account and you select Amount as the Expense Repayment Method.
  • None: Vantagepoint does not allocate any portion of the total expense repayment to this account when you process an expense repayment for the employee.
Expense Amount/Percent Enter an expense or percentage for the direct deposit.
If you set the Expense Repayments Method field to this: Then do this for the Expense Amount/Percent field:
Amount Enter the amount to use to calculate the direct deposit allocation for the account.
Percentage Enter the percent to use to calculate the direct deposit allocation for the account.
Remainder Leave this field blank.

Fields that Display When You Select NACHA/Check in the Payment Method Field

The following fields display below the Direct Deposit grid in the Banking Information section:

Field Description
Email Payroll Remittance Select this checkbox if you want the employee to receive an email with a direct deposit payroll remittance when payroll is processed. You can create and send an email message with remittance information from the Payroll Processing application when the Payroll Direct Deposit file is created.
Email Expense Remittance Select this checkbox if you want the employee to receive an email with a direct deposit expense remittances when expense report payments are processed. You can create and send an email message with remittance information from the Employee Payment Processing application when the Employee Expense Direct Deposit file is created.

Fields that Display When You Select SEPA in the Payment Method Field

These fields apply if you make employee expense payments to employees using export-to-text files with the SEPA file format. The SEPA .xml file format is commonly used in the Netherlands.
  • IBAN: Enter the international bank account number (maximum 34 characters) for an employee. This is used to transmit the payment to a payee when the .xml file is sent to the bank.
  • BIC: Enter the bank identification code (either 8 or 11 characters) for an employee. This is used to transmit the payment to a payee when the .xml file is sent to the bank.

Fields that Display When You Select ClieOp in the Payment Method Field

These fields apply when you pay the employee using the ClieOp format. This format is commonly used to make payments to recipients in the Netherlands in Euros or where multiple types of currency need to be supported for a single bank.

Field Description
Account Type Select Ordinary Account or Seven Digit Account.
Account Number If you select Ordinary Account in the Account Type field, enter the employee’s bank account number in the following format in this field: xxx.xx.xx.xxx.

External Payroll Information Section

The contents of this section depend on the type of payroll interface (ADP, Paychex, or Ceridian Powerpay) that is selected in Accounting Settings (Settings > Accounting > Labor Options). Vantagepoint uses the data in these fields when you run the ADP, Paychex, or Ceridian Powerpay Export utility.

Payroll Interface Is ADP

When you select ADP as the Payroll Interface To option in Accounting Settings, the following fields display:

Field Description
ADP File Number

Enter an identification number for the employee's ADP files. You give this number to ADP for processing the employee's payroll checks.

ADP requires the ADP file number to be a numeric value between 51 and 999,9999.

If you manually enter employee numbers in Vantagepoint and the employee's number is between 51 and 999,999, that number prefills in this field.

If you use auto numbering for employee numbers in Vantagepoint:

  • The employee number does not prefill in the ADP File Number field. You must manually enter a number in this field.
  • If you want the employee number and the ADP file number to match, you must first save the employee record, which generates the auto employee number so you can see the number in the Employee Number field. Then manually enter the number from the Employee Number field in the ADP File Number field.
ADP Company Code Enter a company code for the employee. ADP uses this code to associate the employee with your company. Your company provides ADP with this code.
  • If you entered a default company code on the Timesheets tab of the Accounting Company Settings form, you do not need to enter an ADP company code here.
  • If the employee is associated with an ADP company code for a specific organization on the General tab of Individual Organization Settings, you should not enter an ADP company code here. If you enter a code here, it will override the organization-level code.
ADP Rate Code Enter the ADP code that indicates the employee's pay rate. ADP provides the standard rate codes.

Payroll Interface Is Paychex

When you select Paychex as the Payroll Interface To option in Accounting Settings, the following fields display:

Field Description
Paychex Employee Number

Enter an identification number for the employee's Paychex files. You give this number to Paychex for processing payroll checks.

You must enter only numeric values in this field.

If you manually enter employee numbers in Vantagepoint, an employee's number prefills in the Paychex Employee Number field.

If you use auto numbering for employee numbers in Vantagepoint:

  • The employee number does not prefill in the Paychex Employee Number field. You must manually enter a number in this field.
  • If you want the employee number and the Paychex Employee number to match, you must first save the employee record, which generates the auto employee number so you can see the number in the Employee Number field. Then manually enter the number from the Employee Number field in the Paychex Employee Number field.
Paychex Client Number Enter your company's Paychex client number. Paychex uses this number to associate the employee with your company. Your company provides Paychex with this number.
  • If you entered a default client number on the Timesheets tab of Accounting Company Settings, you do not need to enter a client number here.
  • If you associate the employee with a Paychex client number for a specific organization on the General tab of Individual Organization Settings, do not enter a client number here. If you enter a client number, it will override the organization-level number.
Paychex Rate Number This field is used to denote salary versus hourly employees. Select a rate value from the drop-down list. You can enter a numeric value of 1–5 or enter a value of M to mark the hours as “memo” hours. Memo hours are consumed hours that are not considered as pay hours.
Paychex Code Regular Enter the code that Paychex provided to your company for regular hours.
Paychex Code Overtime Enter the code that Paychex provided to your company for overtime hours.
Paychex Code Overtime - 2 Enter the code that Paychex provided to your company for secondary overtime hours.

Payroll Interface Is Ceridian

When you select Ceridian as the Payroll Interface To option in Accounting Settings, the following fields display:

Field Description
Ceridian Employee Number

Enter an identification number for the employee's Ceridian files. You give this number to Ceridian for processing the employee's payroll checks.

Ceridian requires the Ceridian employee number to be a numeric value that is:

  • Greater than 0
  • Not between 9,961 and 9,999
  • Not between 999,999,901 and 999,999,920
  • Not between 999,999,961 and 999,999,969

If you manually enter employee numbers in Vantagepoint, the employee's number prefills in the Ceridian Employee Number field if it matches the criteria listed above.

If you use auto numbering for employee numbers in Vantagepoint:

  • The employee number does not prefill in the Ceridian Employee Number field. You must manually enter a number in this field.
  • If you want the employee number and the Ceridian employee number to match, you must first save the employee record, which generates the auto employee number so you can see the number in the Employee Number field. Then manually enter the number from the Employee Number field in the Ceridian Employee Number field.
Ceridian Company Number Enter a company number for the employee, using seven alpha-numeric characters. This number must correspond with the department code already set up in Ceridian Powerpay. Your company provides Ceridian with this code.
  • If you entered a default company code on the Timesheets tab of Accounting Company Settings, you do not need to enter a Ceridian company number here.
  • If the employee is associated with a Ceridian company number for a specific organization on the General tab of Individual Organization Settings, you should not enter a Ceridian company number here. If you enter a code here, it will override the organization-level code.
Ceridian Distribution Code Enter the Ceridian distribution code that indicates the employee's pay rate, using exactly three numeric characters. Ceridian provides the standard rate codes.

Provisional Rates Section

This section displays if you have the Accounting and/or Resource Planning modules activated. The provisional cost and billing rates are used to calculate the following:

  • Planned cost and billing amounts for labor: The provisional rates are used to calculate the planned cost and billing monetary amounts based on planned labor hours that are entered for an employee on the labor tab in Hubs > Projects > Plans.

    These rates applies when you select From Employee Provisional Rate as the employee rate method for cost or billing on the Labor tab of the Plan Settings dialog box in Hubs > Projects > Plan. This dialog box opens after you select a plan and then click Other Actions > Plan Settings on the Plan form.

  • Employee realization amounts for unbilled labor: When you post timesheets, an employee's provisional rates are used to calculate the potential (unbilled) revenue amounts for an employee. The calculation uses the employee's posted labor (timesheets, labor adjustments, and units) that has not been billed yet.

    This applies if you have the Employee Realization Reporting feature turned on (in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options, Enable Reporting Realization by Employee is set to Yes).

Field Description
Cost Rate Enter the monetary rate to use to calculate planned and unbilled cost amounts for regular labor hours (not overtime hours) on timesheet entries.
Cost Overtime Percent Enter the percentage to apply to the rate that you entered in the Cost Rate field to calculate planned and unbilled cost amounts for standard overtime hours on timesheet entries.
Cost Overtime - 2 Percent Enter the percentage to apply to the rate that you entered in the Cost Rate field to calculate planned and unbilled cost amounts for secondary overtime hours on timesheet entries.
Billing Rate Enter the monetary rate to use to calculate planned and unbilled billing amounts for regular labor hours (not overtime hours) on timesheet entries.
Billing Overtime Percent Enter the percentage to apply to the rate that you entered in the Billing Rate field to calculate planned and unbilled billing amounts for standard overtime hours on timesheet entries.
Billing Overtime - 2 Percent Enter the percentage to apply to the rate that you entered in the Billing Rate field to calculate planned and unbilled billing amounts for secondary overtime hours on timesheet entries.