Create a Credit Memo

You can create full or partial credit memos for posted invoices that were originally created in Interactive Billing or Batch Billing.

To create a credit memo:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Billing > Interactive Billing.
  2. If you use diaries, complete the settings on the Billing Session Options dialog box.
    If you do not use diaries, you complete settings on the Billing Session Options dialog box by clicking Billing Session Options on the actions bar of the Interactive Billing form.
  3. On the Interactive Billing form, enter a complete or partial name or number in the Find project lookup field to find and select the project for which you are creating the credit memo.
    If you are creating a credit memo for an invoice that is part of a billing group, it does not matter whether you select the main project or a subproject.
  4. Click the Invoice History tab.
  5. In the invoices grid, select the invoice for which you are creating the credit memo and then click the Credit Memo action on the grid actions bar.
    If this is the first transaction that you are creating in this Interactive Billing session, the Invoice File Selection dialog box displays.
  6. Enter a new invoice file or select an existing invoice file to store the invoices and credit memos for this billing session for posting.
    If you enter multiple credit memos with different dates against the same invoice and add the credit memos to the same transaction posting file, all the credit memos will be assigned the same date as the last credit memo that you created. If you want different dates for different credit memos applied to the same invoice, you must assign each credit memo to a different transaction posting file.

    This also applies if you mix credit memos, voided invoices, and voided credit memos for one invoice together in one transaction posting file. The date of the last item that you create will be assigned to all the items in the file.

  7. On the Credit Memo dialog box that asks "Do you want default credit amounts equal to the original invoice amounts?," click Yes or No.
    If you do not use the Employee Realization Reporting feature:
    • When you select Yes, the Amount column on the Invoice Credit dialog box (that will open next) prefills with the opposite value of the original invoice amount. For example, if the invoice amount was $500, the Amount column prefills with -$500. You can change the prefilled amount.
    • When you select No, the Amount column on the Invoice Credit dialog box does not prefill with an amount.
    If you use the Employee Realization Reporting feature:
    • When you select Yes and you do not change any of the credit amounts (they exactly match the original invoice amounts), then the credit memo automatically reverses all the realization amounts from the original invoice, and you will not be able to view or change them. The Employee Realization Allocation dialog box in step 9 will not open.
    • When you select Yes but you change credit amounts so that they are less than the original invoice amounts, you can view and/or change the realization amounts on the credit memo on the Employee Realization Allocation dialog box in step 9.
    • When you select No, you can view realizations amounts from the original invoice and change the realization amounts for the credit memo on the Employee Realization Allocation dialog box in step 9.
  8. On the Invoice Credit dialog box, enter the credit memo information and click Accept.
    If you do not use the Employee Realization Reporting feature:
    • When you select Yes, the Amount column on the Invoice Credit dialog box (that will open next) prefills with the negative value of the original invoice amount. For example, if the invoice amount was $500, the Amount column prefills with -$500. You can change the prefilled amount.
    • When you select No, the Amount column on the Invoice Credit dialog box does not prefill with an amount.
    The credit memo amount cannot be more than the invoice balance amount.

    The dialog box that displays next is based on whether or not you are allowed to change invoice numbers. (The Allow Changes to Next Invoice Number setting in Settings > Billing > Options controls this).

    • If the Assign Invoice Number dialog box displays (you are allowed to change the invoice number), select either the next automatically assigned invoice number, or enter a different number for the credit memo. Click OK.
    • If a dialog box with the message "The next available invoice number will be assigned" displays, click OK to assign the next available invoice number.
    • If you use the Employee Realization Reporting feature, the Employee Realization Allocation dialog box may display. The realization amounts from the original invoice display as negative amounts in this dialog box. You can change these as needed. Enter negative amounts to reverse employee realization from the original invoice and click OK
  9. The credit memo invoice displays on your screen.
    The Billing Backup does not print for credit memos.

In Transaction Center > Transaction Entry > Invoices, post the invoice file that contains the credit memo.