After You Implement PIM Integration

After you implement Project Information Management (PIM) integration, PIM is available for use directly from selected hubs in Vantagepoint, which eliminates the need to click between two different applications.

After the integration is in place, the following information applies:


  • New projects, contacts, employees, firms, and marketing campaigns that you enter in Vantagepoint are automatically created in PIM for the hubs that you selected on the Project Information Management form in Utilities > Integrations > PIM.
  • When you make changes to the hubs that are selected to sync, only new and edited Vantagepoint records are synced to PIM.
  • For the mapped fields, changes that you make to projects, contacts, employees, firms, and marketing campaigns in Vantagepoint are synced to PIM.
  • Vantagepoint records that were previously synced to PIM after hub setting changes will remain in PIM.
  • The integration does not delete records in PIM when they are deleted in Vantagepoint. If you wish to remove corresponding records from PIM, you will need to manually delete or deactivate them within PIM using the standard user interface. It is important to note that once documents or other binding data have been recorded against the synchronized entities in PIM, you may be required to edit those records and update their statuses to deactivate them instead of deleting them.
  • When you change a project's status in Vantagepoint, the corresponding status in PIM is automatically updated. If you have multiple levels in your project structure, this applies only for the project status at WBS Level 1.
  • Firms, contacts, and employees that you select on the Team tab of the Projects form for a project are automatically synced to PIM. In addition, if Vantagepoint is set up to add or update employees automatically on the Team tab during labor posting, or to add or update firms on that tab during voucher posting, PIM is also automatically updated daily for those using the PIM Project Sync process in Process Server. To control what time that sync occurs and change other process settings, use the Process Server Queue Manager application (Utilities > Process Server > Queue Manager).

    In both Vantagepoint and PIM, you can specify project role information for firms, contacts, and employees that are associated with a project. As part of the integration, Vantagepoint role information is sent to PIM, but the two sets of role information are not synced. Role information that originates in Vantagepoint and role information that originates in PIM continue to be stored and displayed separately in PIM. If role information in Vantagepoint changes later on, the corresponding Vantagepoint information in PIM is automatically updated, but the role information that originated in PIM is not affected.

Key Updates on Synced Project Records

To make sure that the key format or conversion project number change successfully syncs to PIM, on the Setup tab in Utilities > Integrations > PIM, you must select the Enable Sync to PIM option and the relevant Projects hub charge type checkboxes. Click Test Connection to verify that you can connect from Vantagepoint to PIM. Otherwise, the key format or conversion project number change does not sync to PIM.

Key Formats

When you run the Key Format update utility in Utilities > Key Formats > Projects in Vantagepoint, the sync between project records in Vantagepoint and PIM is maintained.

For example, if you run the key format utility to change the value in the Field Length field from five characters to seven, the utility changes both the project number in Vantagepoint and the corresponding project number in PIM.

Key Conversions

When you run the Key Conversions update utility in Utilities > Key Conversions > Projects in Vantagepoint, the sync between project records in Vantagepoint and PIM is maintained.

For example, if you run the key conversion utility to change the project number on the Change Number tab of the Projects form in Key Conversions from 12345 to 67890, the utility changes the project number in both Vantagepoint and the corresponding project number in PIM.

Other Key Conversion Update Scenarios

  • When you run the Key Conversion utility to combine records (Contacts, Employees, Projects, and Firms), you receive this warning message to confirm the action: "Running the 'Combine' function does not combine associated PIM records. Do you want to continue?"

    If you click Yes, the changes are implemented only in Vantagepoint; the changes do not sync to PIM.

  • When you run the Key Conversion Utility to change numbers of records (Employees and Firms), the changes are implemented only in Vantagepoint and do not update PIM because there is no related information that must be maintained in PIM.


You can access documents directly in PIM or connect using the PIM Information or Personal Zones directly from Vantagepoint.

Multiple Companies in Vantagepoint

If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint and you selected one or more companies on the Project Information Management form in Utilities > Integrations > PIM, the following items apply when you add or update Vantagepoint records in PIM during the sync process:

  • The first level of the organization (company) that is entered for a project, firm, or marketing campaign determines the Vantagepoint records to add or update in PIM for a company.
  • The first level of the home company that is assigned to an employee in Vantagepoint determines the employees to add or update in PIM for a company.
  • Vantagepoint contacts and firms are not assigned to an organization (company), so all new and updated contacts and firms are added and updated in PIM, regardless of the companies you sync.

When you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, all employee or firm associations for a project are synced with PIM, regardless of the home company that an employee or firm is associated with.