Select Revenue Forecast as the Fee Allocation Method

Before you can create a revenue forecast for a project, you must select the correct fee allocation method on the Estimated Fee tab of the Contract Management form.

You must have the Resource Planning module activated to access the revenue forecast allocation method.

To set up revenue forecast as the fee allocation method:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Contract Management.
  2. On the Contract Management form, click the Estimated Fee tab.
  3. In Allocation Method, select User Defined Allocation > Use Revenue Forecasts.
    The Change Allocation Method dialog box displays to inform you that when you change the allocation method for a project, Vantagepoint removes any information associated with the previously selected method, which could include all data that was entered on the associated Revenue Forecasts form or Fee Allocation grid on the Estimated Fee form.
  4. Click Change Method to set up fee allocations in revenue forecasting.
    You can use Utilities > Updates > Search and Replace to change the allocation method for multiple projects. Be aware that changing the allocation method removes any information associated with the previously selected method.