Revenue Forecast Data and Project Structure

When you edit a project to add phases and tasks, revenue forecast data may be affected.

If there is revenue forecast data on the project level to which you are adding a new child level, Vantagepoint spreads the appropriate revenue forecast data down to the new child level:
  • Vantagepoint automatically checks out the plan when moving revenue forecast data and then automatically checks the plan in when the move is complete. If another user has the plan checked out, and you are an administrator, Vantagepoint prompts you to check in the plan. If you are not an administrator, you cannot make the change to the WBS until the other user checks in the plan.
  • Vantagepoint informs you that revenue forecast values can only be stored on the lowest WBS level. Vantagepoint moves all of the revenue forecast data to the new WBS level that you are adding.