Contents of the Redistribute Hours Dialog Box

For any WBS element at any level of the structure that has a resource assigned, use this dialog box to replace or change planned hours for that element.

The fields and options that display on this dialog box vary depending on your Redistribute Option selection.

Field Description
Redistribute Option Choose one of the following options to specify how to handle the planned hours for the selected row:
  • Replace Planned with Actual Hours: Replace the planned hours with the actual hours for a selected assignment range.
  • Change Planned Hours: Change the planned hours for a selected assignment range.

The remainder of this help topic describes, in separate sections, the fields and options that display for each of these selections.

Replace Planned with Actual Hours

When you use the Redistribute Option with Replace Planned with Actual Hours, you can replace the planned hours with actual hours and spread the difference into a selected future time range, using the following fields and options:

Field Description
Save Replaced Hours Select the level of detail at which to save the hours when replacing planned hours with actual hours. Choosing lower scales may have a significant performance impact on plans with long durations, many assignments, or both.

Select one of the following options:

  • In Total: Replace the planned hours with the actual hours and save the total for the range that you select in the Selected Assignment Range option. When you view the planned hours in lower scales, the hours may look different than the actual hours across the calendar, but in total they will match for that range.
  • In Months: Replace the planned hours with the actual hours and save them in months. When you view the planned hours in scales lower than months, the planned hours may look different than the actual hours across the calendar, but in months or higher scales they will match for the range.
  • In Weeks: Replace the planned hours with the actual hours and save them in weeks. When you view the planned hours in days, the hours may look different than the actual hours by day, but in weeks or higher scales they will match for the range.
Selected Assignment Range Use this option to select the range for which you want to replace the planned hours with actual hours:
  • JTD Date Range: Planned hours will be replaced with actual hours in the date range from the first time entry date through the job-to-date (JTD) date. (The JTD date is determined by the Job-to-Date (JTD) Through setting in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings.)
  • Specify Date Range: Planned hours will be replaced with actual hours in the date range that you specify in the adjacent From and To date fields for each assignment.
Spread the Differences (Planned Minus Actual Hours) Select this checkbox to spread the difference of planned minus actual hours for each assignment under this level. If this checkbox is cleared (not selected), the difference is removed.
Spread Positive and Negative Differences Select this checkbox to spread all differences. If the difference is negative for any assignment, the negative value will be spread into the selected range proportionally, but planned hours will not total less than 0 in the range. If you do not want to spread negatives, select Spread Positive Differences Only.
Spread Positive Differences Only Select this checkbox to prevent Vantagepoint from spreading the difference between planned and actual hours for an assignment if the difference is negative.
Spread Into Select the range of dates to spread the difference between planned and actual hours:
  • ETC Assignment Date Range: Spread the difference into the remaining date range starting from the later of the estimate-to-complete (ETC) date or the assignment start date through the assignment end date for each assignment. (The ETC date is the day after the JTD date. The JTD date is determined by the Job-to-Date (JTD) Through setting in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings.)
    When you select ETC Assignment Date Range, an additional setting displays: For Assignments Where a Difference Exists but the Assignment End Date is in the Past. If the assignment end date is in the past, specify what to do with the difference:
    • Change the assignment end date to the ETC date and spread the difference to that date.
    • Keep the current assignment end date and remove the difference.
  • Specify Date Range: Spread the difference into the date range that you specify in the adjacent From and To date fields for each assignment.
Spreading Options Select the method to spread the difference in hours for the assignment level across the selected date range. Negative differences will be spread proportionally regardless of the spreading option you select.
  • Spread Hours Proportionally: Spread the difference for each assignment proportionally across the selected range.
  • Spread Positive Hours Evenly: Spread the difference for each assignment evenly across the selected range.
Redistribute Click this button to apply the changes to the selected resource and refresh the plan for the impacted rows.

Change Planned Hours

When you use the Redistribute Option with Change Planned Hours, you can change the planned hours value for a selected assignment range using the following fields and options:

Field Description
Selected Assignment Range Select one of the following options:
  • JTD Assignment Date Range: Change the hours in the date range from the assignment start date through the earlier of the JTD date or assignment end date for each assignment. The JTD date is determined by the Job-to-Date (JTD) Through setting in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings.
  • ETC Assignment Date Range: Change the hours in the date range from the later of the ETC or assignment start date through the assignment end date for each assignment. The ETC date is the day after the JTD date.
  • Entire Assignment Date Range: Change the hours in the date range from the assignment start date through the assignment end date for each assignment.
  • Specify Date Range: Change the hours across the date range specified in both the From and To dates for each assignment.
Change Hours From This field displays the original hours value for the selected range. This field is not editable.
Change Hours To Use this field to enter a new hours value. The minimum allowed value is 0.
Spreading Options Use this option to specify how to spread the Change Hours To value for the assignment levels in the date range specified in Selected Assignment Range. Hours are always spread proportionally down to the assignment level and then hours for each assignment are spread either proportionally or evenly across the selected date range, based on the spreading option that you select.
  • Spread Hours Proportionally: Spread the new hours proportionally for all assignments under that level and then across the range proportionally.
  • Spread Hours Evenly: Spread the new hours proportionally for all assignments under that level and then across the range evenly for each assignment.

    If you also selected the Specify Date Range option and the assignment dates for affected resources either start after or end before the Specify Date Range dates, the start and/or end assignment dates are updated.

Redistribute Click this button to apply the changes to the selected resource and refresh the plan for the impacted rows.

Dependencies Exist on Plan

This section of the dialog box displays only when dependencies exist within the project plan. You are required to select how you would like to handle broken dependencies if they occur after processing the changes to the selected resource during redistribution. A broken dependency occurs when a successor is being updated based on the specified options, but the result of those options would cause prohibited dates based on an existing dependency with a predecessor. For specifics about the scenarios that may cause broken dependencies, see Redistributing Planned Hours when Schedule Dependencies Exist.

Field Description
Resolve Broken Dependencies If you select options that change planned hours for specific dates or that replace planned hours with actual hours beyond the original WBS or labor code level dates, existing dependencies within the plan may be broken. Choose one of the following options to resolve any broken dependencies:
  • Remove Broken Dependencies: Removes dependencies that were broken after processing redistribute options.
  • Repair Broken Dependencies: Repairs dependencies that were broken after processing redistribute options by adding the appropriate lead time to the dependency relationship.