Client Smart Summary KPIs and Calculations

The Generative AI client Smart Summary uses key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the performance of your relationship with a client.

Table of KPIs and Calculations

This table lists the key performance indicators and calculations used to measure the performance of your relationship with a client based on Vantagepoint data and metrics.

Client Smart Summary KPI KPI Calculation

Current Total Backlog

Sum of Backlog for Projects

Current AR

Sum of AR Amount for Projects


Sum of the Profit/Sum of Contract value * 100

Total Contract Value of Project

Revenue Sum + Backlog Sum

Average Contract Value per Project

(Revenue Sum + Backlog Sum) / Number of Projects

# of Active Awarded Projects

Count of Active Awarded Projects

Total Estimated Fee

Sum of Estimated Fee

Average Estimated Fee

Sum of Estimated Fee / Number of Projects

Promotional Project Cost

Total JTD Promotional Cost

Average Days Open

Sum of Days Open / Number of Projects

Number of Pursuit Projects

Count of In Pursuit Projects

Capture Rate

Sum of Estimated Fee of Awarded Projects / (Sum of Estimated Fee of Won + Lost Projects)

Win Rate

Count of Awarded Projects / Count of Won + Lost Projects