Recurrence Tab of Schedule Dialog Box

Use the Recurrence tab when you want to set up a job to run regularly, according to a specific pattern (for example, on the first Monday of every month).


Field Description
Recurring activity Select this option if you want to run the job regularly, according to a specific pattern (for example, on the first Monday of every month).

Depending on your level of access, you can find the scheduled jobs in Utilities > Process Server > Queue Manager, where you can view process details and statuses, modify related settings, or cancel processes.

For more information, see: Process Queue Manager Utility.

Recurrence type Select the recurrence type: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.

Depending on the option you selected in the Recurring type field, these options change accordingly:

  • If you selected Daily, you can choose to have the job run every specified number of days (for example, every seven days) or to have the job run every weekday (Monday through Friday).
  • If you selected Weekly, you can choose how often you want the job to run and on what day of the week. For example, you could choose to have the job run every two weeks on Monday.
  • If you selected Monthly, you can choose to have the job run on a specified day and specified number of months. For example, you could choose to have the job run on the 15th of every month. Or, on a specified day and week and specified number of months. For example, you could choose to have the job run on the third Wednesday of every two months.
  • If you selected Yearly, you can choose to have the job run on a specific month and day of the year. For example, you could choose to have the job run every January 1st.
Recurrence End This option allows you specify an end to the recurrence scheduling. You can select No end date or specify a specific date in End date.