Run the Multicompany Analysis

Run and review the Multicompany Analysis report to complete your setup of the Multicompany application in the desktop application.

Prerequisite: You need to schedule the analysis first, to process a review of your database and generate a report. When you click the Report button, Vantagepoint generates a report based on the last time the analysis was processed. If you have made corrections or updates, you must schedule another analysis to process another review to reflect the changes on the Multicompany Analysis Report.

To use the Multicompany Analysis utility:

  1. On the Navigation menu in the desktop application, click Utilities > Analysis > Multicompany Analysis.
  2. On the Multicompany Analysis dialog box, click Report.
    If you want to send the report through email and run the report at a later time, click Schedule Analysis.
  3. After you address the items listed in the Multicompany Analysis log, return to this utility and run the report again to make sure that all setup steps are complete.