Combine Tasks

To combine tasks, use the Key Conversions utility for tasks.

You cannot combine tasks associated with projects that are set up with different companies or different currencies.
Warning: If your company uses an on-premises deployment of Vantagepoint, Deltek strongly recommends that you create a backup copy of your database before running the utility. There is no way to undo this process without a backup database.

If your company has an on-premises deployment of Vantagepoint, your company manages your database backup. If your company has a cloud-based deployment of Vantagepoint, coordinate with Deltek about your database backup.

Note the following:

  • If you have the Resource Planning module, any schedule dependencies on the existing task, as well as any schedule dependencies on associated labor codes, are removed when you click Run or Schedule to combine task records.
  • If you combine task records when the Include in Fees checkbox is selected for contracts for a project on the Contract tab of the Contract Management form, Vantagepoint may, in some cases, need to clear this checkbox for one or more contracts so that you can reallocate contract amounts for WBS elements in the Contract Details grid. In those cases, a message displays when you make this change to notify you that the checkbox has been cleared. Once you have completed the allocations, you can reselect the checkbox.
Before you combine tasks, consider the following when Use Revenue Forecasts is selected as the allocation method for any associated projects on the Estimated Fee tab of the Contract Management form. (This option is available only if you have the Resource Planning module.)
  • If you are using multiple currencies and the currency associated with the Currency to Store selection differs between two projects in which you are combining tasks, the tasks cannot be combined.
  • If both projects use revenue forecasts, Vantagepoint uses the combined revenue forecast data and, if necessary, expands the revenue forecast dates to encompass the dates from both the Existing Task and the New Task. In addition, the revenue forecast dates are expanded for the parent phase and project level.
  • If the project associated with Existing Task uses revenue forecasts and the project associated with New Task does not, Vantagepoint eliminates the revenue forecast data from the existing task when the tasks are combined.
  • If the project associated with Existing Task does not use revenue forecasts and the project associated with New Task does, Vantagepoint uses the revenue forecast data from the new task when the tasks are combined.

To combine tasks:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Utilities > Key Conversions > Tasks.
  2. On the Combine Records tab of the Tasks form, click + Add Project below the grid.
  3. To specify the existing task, complete the following actions:
    1. In the Existing Project column in the new row, enter or select the project record that is associated with the task to be combined.
      The existing phases available for selection update, based on this project.
    2. In the Existing Phase column, enter or select the phase record that is associated with the task to be combined.
      The existing tasks available for selection update, based on this phase.
    3. In the Existing Task column, enter or select the existing task to be combined.
      If this task and any associated labor codes have any schedule dependencies, they are removed when the tasks are combined.
  4. To specify the new task into which data is combined, complete the following actions:
    1. In the New Project column, enter or select the project record that is associated with the new task.
      The new phases available for selection update, based on this project.
    2. In the New Phase column, enter or select the phase record that is associated with the new task.
      The new tasks available for selection update, based on this phase.
    3. In the New Task column, enter or select the new task to be combined with the existing one.
      If the new task and any associated labor codes have any schedule dependencies, they are maintained when the tasks are combined.
  5. To specify other task records to combine, repeat steps 3 and 4.
  6. Select one of the following actions:
    • To run the conversion now, click Run.
    • To schedule the conversion to run at a later time, or on a recurring basis, click Schedule and complete the fields on the Schedule dialog box. The conversion takes effect after the process is completed.
    Other applications that use the affected records are updated automatically.