Combine Records Tab of the Organizations Form (Key Conversions)

Use this tab to combine organizations.


All the data that are associated with the organizations that are combined using this tab are automatically updated across all applicable applications in Vantagepoint.

Field Description
Run Click Run to combine the organizations entered in the Combine Records grid. Combining organizations that are associated with different companies is not allowed. If you use multiple companies, you cannot change the first level of the organization. If the organization has multiple levels, this key conversion only allows you to change the whole organization at one time.

Warning: We strongly recommend that a backup copy of your database is created before running the utility because there is no way to undo the process without a backup database.

Schedule Click Schedule to display the Schedule dialog box where you can configure options to schedule the conversion process of the utility.

Combining Records Grid Column

Field Description
Existing Organization Number Select an organization in the lookup to be combined into the selected organization in the New Organization Number column. All the relevant data from the selected organization in this column is merged into the selected organization in the New Organization Number column.
Existing Organization Name Displays the organization name of the selected organization in the Existing Organization Number column.
New Organization Number Select the organization that becomes the new merged organization. Data from the selected organization in the Existing Organization Number column is transferred to the selected organization in this column.
New Organization Name Displays the organization name of the selected organization in the New Organization Number column.

Combining Records Grid Options

Field Description
+ Add Organization Click + Add Organization to add a new blank row in the grid. Add more rows to combine otherorganizations.
X Click X at the end or a row to delete the row.