Combine Records Tab of the Employees Form (Key Conversions)

Use this tab to combine employee records.

All the data that are associated with the employee records that are combined using this tab are automatically updated across all applicable applications in Vantagepoint.

For information about the Actions bar options, see Actions Bar for the Key Conversions Form.

Warning: If your company uses an on-premises deployment of Vantagepoint, Deltek strongly recommends that you create a backup copy of your database before running the utility. There is no way to undo this process without a backup database.

If your company has an on-premises deployment of Vantagepoint, your company manages your database backup. If your company has a cloud-based deployment of Vantagepoint, coordinate with Deltek about your database backup.

Combining Records Grid Column

Field Description
Existing employee Number Enter or select an employee record to be combined into another employee record. All data from the selected employee record in this column is merged into the selected employee record in the New employee Number column.
Existing employee Name This column displays the employee name of the selected employee record in the Existing employee Number column.
New employee Number Enter or select the employee record that becomes the new merged employee record. Data from the selected employee record in the Existing employee Number column is transferred to the selected employee record in this column.
New employee Name This column displays the employee name of the selected employee record in the New employee Number column.

Combining Records Grid Options

Field Description
+ Add employee Click + Add employee to add a new blank row in the grid. Add more rows to combine other employee records.
X Click X at the end or a row to delete the row.