Contents of the Reschedule Plan Dates Dialog Box

Use the Reschedule Plan Dates dialog box to change date ranges for plan rows. Changes to plan dates affect all areas of the plan.

Field Description
Plan Structure Branch In the upper-left corner of the dialog box, this field displays the path through the project work breakdown structure to the level of the selected work breakdown structure (WBS) element.
Shift Select this option to push the plan date range forward or backward, but keep the same number of working days between the start and end dates.

When you shift plan dates, Vantagepoint keeps the same distribution pattern for planned labor, expenses, consultants, and units. If some working days have no planned hours, amounts, and/or quantities, there will also be no planned values in the corresponding working days in the new schedule.

Change Duration Select this option to lengthen or shorten the plan date range.

When you change the duration of plan dates, Vantagepoint adjusts the dates of the child plan and assignment rows if they match the original plan dates or if they fall outside of the new plan start or end date. If you displayed this dialog box from a higher work breakdown structure (WBS) level, you can select the Replace All Child Dates with New Parent Dates checkbox to apply date changes to the lower WBS levels and assignment rows that would not have been automatically changed.

When you choose to change the duration of plan dates, select one of the following options:
  • Select Redistribute Evenly on Changed Assignments to spread the affected planned values on all child assignments whose date ranges.
  • Select Don't Redistribute to lengthen or shorten the plan date range, but keep the current distribution of planned values across work days and calendar periods.
From This Plan Date Range

These fields display the current plan start and end dates.

If this dialog box displays because you changed a start or end date in the planning grid or if you selected the Change Duration option, you cannot change these dates. However, if you clicked to display this dialog box and you selected Shift, you can do either of the following:
  • Leave these dates unchanged. The entire date range will be rescheduled.
  • Change one or both of these dates. Only that part of the original date range will be rescheduled. The dates that you select cannot be outside of the original date range.
To This Plan Date Range

Enter the new plan date range for the row.

If you selected the Shift option and you select either a new start date or a new end date, Vantagepoint determines the other date needed to keep the same number of working days in the range. (If you entered a new start or end date in the planning grid before you displayed this dialog box, that date displays by default, and Vantagepoint calculates the other date. If you did not enter one of the dates in the planning grid before you displayed this dialog box, you enter the new start date, and Vantagepoint calculates the end date.)

If you selected the Change Duration option, you select both the start date and end date for the range.

Replace All Child Dates with New Parent Dates

This checkbox is available when you display this dialog box from a higher work breakdown structure (WBS) level and you selected the Change Duration option.

Select the Replace All Child Dates with New Parent Dates checkbox to change the plan dates or assignment dates for all the child rows to match the new plan dates and, optionally, redistribute their planned values based on the new dates. If you do not select this checkbox, dates for child rows are adjusted only if they match the original plan dates or fall outside the new plan date range.


Field Description

To start the rescheduling process, click Reschedule.

When you reschedule plan dates, Vantagepoint verifies that all assignment date ranges under those plan dates are within the new plan date range.

If either of the following scenarios exist, Vantagepoint displays a warning message before you can continue rescheduling.
  • If planned labor hours, expense or consultant amounts, and/or unit quantities exist before or after the current plan dates, Vantagepoint warns that the plan dates will be updated for the selected WBS level along with any affected parent levels.
  • If the level you are updating is a predecessor in a dependency relationship or has a parent or child that is a predecessor and there will be changes to other levels (in a different branch) based on the existing dependencies, Vantagepoint warns that the plan dates will be updated for this level along with any affected parent or child levels. Additionally, since this level, a parent level, or a child level has dependency relationships, successors will shift based on their relationship.
When you click Reschedule, Vantagepoint does the following:
  • Changes the affected plan or assignment dates.
  • Redistributes planned hours, amounts, and quantities. If hours, amounts, or quantities are moved to a date range in which the assignment already has planned values, the rescheduled values are distributed proportionally across that date range based on the distribution of the preexisting planned values.
  • Updates values displayed in all planning grids, to reflect the new schedule.
Cancel To close the dialog box without rescheduling, click this option.