Contents of the Reassign Dialog Box

Use the fields and options on the Reassign dialog box to transfer all or part of the assigned labor hours from one resource to another.

Field Description
Resource and Plan Structure Branch

The names of the currently assigned resource and of the elements making up the branch of the plan work breakdown structure (WBS) to the level of the assignment display in the upper-left corner of the dialog box.

Period to Reassign Click this field and select one of these options:
  • Entire assignment period: Select this option to reassign planned hours for the entire assignment date range.
  • Part of the assignment period: Select this option to reassign the planned hours for only a portion of the assignment date range.
Period By default, these fields display the start and end dates of the current assignment date range. If you are reassigning multiple assignments, they display the earliest start date and the latest end date of those assignments.

If you are reassigning planned hours for only part of the current assignment date range, enter or select the start date and end date for the reassignment period in these fields. Both dates must be within the original assignment date range.

If you are reassigning planned hours for the entire assignment date range, you cannot change the start and end date.

% to Reassign

To reassign less than 100 percent of the planned hours for the reassignment period, enter that percentage in this field.

The number of hours displayed in Hours to Reassign is updated based on your entry.

Hours to Reassign

To reassign fewer than the total number of planned hours for the reassignment period, enter the number of hours in this field.

The percentage displayed in % to Reassign is updated based on your entry.

Maximum Hours This field displays the maximum number of hours you can reassign for the reassignment period. It is the total number of planned hours for the assignment or assignments that you are reassigning that fall within the reassignment period specified in the Period fields.
Reassign To Grid Use the Reassign To grid to locate and select the resource to which you want to reassign the assignment or assignments. To select the resource, click the grid row for that resource.
Field Description
Search By default, the Reassign To grid displays all active employees and generic resources. Use one or both of these fields to restrict the resources displayed in the grid to make it easier to locate the resource to which you want to reassign the assignments.
  • In the first Search field, select a standard search or a saved custom search. The following are the standard searches:
    • All Resources: Returns all active employees and generic resources.
    • All Employees: Returns all active employees. Excludes generic resources.
    • Employees I Supervise: Returns all active employees for whom you are the supervisor.
    • Generic Resources: Returns all active generic resources. Excludes employees.
    • Resources in My Organization: Returns all active employees and generic resources that are assigned to the same organization as you are. The search looks at the full organization name only. If Vantagepoint is not configured to use organizations, this option is not available.

    The custom searches that are available for selecting resources in Resource View are available here also. No inactive resources are included in custom search results.

  • In the second Search field, enter one or more search characters to further restrict the selection list. Vantagepoint displays a list of resources for which at least one of the following starts with those search characters: employee preferred name, employee first name, employee last name, employee name suffix, employee ID, generic resource name, labor category. This search is applied only to the list of resources that was returned by the search that you selected in the first Search field.

This column displays employee names and generic resource names. By default, all resources are sorted alphabetically, with employees and generic resources intermingled.

Scheduled % For employees, this column displays the percent scheduled for the reassignment period displayed in Period.

Scheduled % = (Employee's total scheduled hours for the reassignment period / (Employee's hours per day x Total work days in the reassignment period)) x 100

Scheduled hours are planned hours for overhead projects, promotional projects, regular won projects, and any in pursuit projects that meet the criteria for inclusion in the percentage calculation that are specified on the Plan Settings form (Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings).

Organization If Vantagepoint is configured to use organizations, this column displays the name of the organization to which the resource is assigned. If Vantagepoint is not configured to use organizations, this column does not display.
Hard Book

If you consider the reassignments hard booked, select this checkbox.

This checkbox is only available if Vantagepoint is configured to use soft and hard booking and if you have the required security access to hard book assignments.


To complete the reassignments and close the dialog box, click Reassign. When the reassignment finishes, a completion message displays at the top of the page.

Vantagepoint does the following:
  • Reassigns the planned hours to the resource you selected, either by adding a new assignment or by merging the new assignment with an existing one for that resource.
  • Deletes the original assignment if all hours were reassigned, or adjusts the planned hours for the original assignment if you only reassigned a portion of the original hours. (The original assignment is not deleted if actual job-to-date (JTD) hours exist for that assignment, or if that assignment was saved as part of the plan baseline.)
  • Updates values displayed in all planning grids to reflect the reassignment.