Contents of the Change Forecast Range Dialog Box in Resource View

Use the Change Forecast dialog box to define the range of calendar period columns you want to display in the Resource View grid.

The forecast range determines the number of calendar period columns and the time frame each calendar period column represents.

Field Description
Scale Select whether you want the calendar periods to be days, weeks, or months.
Duration Select the number of calendar periods to include in the forecast range. Each calendar period column contains planning data for one day, week, or month, depending on the scale that you specify. For example, if you set the Scale option to Weeks and set the Duration option to 8, the forecast range spans eight weeks, and eight calendar period columns display.
Start Date/Week/Month Depending on what you specify for the Scale option, select the first day, week, or month in the forecast range.

The starting period must be after the job-to-date (JTD) date or, if the columns are for weeks or months, the starting period must contain at least one day after the JTD date. After you select the original start day, week, or month, the forecast range automatically shifts forward as time passes. When the first calendar period is no longer in the future, the first calendar period column changes to the next day, week, or month, and the other calendar period columns shift accordingly to preserve the same forecast range.