Contents of the Grid Settings Dialog Box for Resource View

Use the fields and options to select grouping or sorting options for the Resource View grid and to select columns to display in the middle section of the grid.


Field Description
Group Resources By Select a grouping option for resources in the grid:
  • Labor Category: Select this option to group by labor category. For a given labor category, employees are listed first, followed by generic resources. Employees and generic resources that have no labor category are grouped under No Labor Category.
  • Organization name or ID: You can group by organization name.

    For a given organization, employees are listed first, followed by generic resources. Generic resources that have no organization are grouped under No Organization.

  • Organization level name or ID: You can group by level ID name for any level of the organization structure.

    For a given organization level ID, employees are listed first, followed by generic resources. Generic resources that have no organization are grouped under No Organization.

  • Title: Select this option to group employees by job title. Employees who have no job title are grouped under No Title, along with all generic resources.
  • No Grouping: If the resources are currently grouped in the grid and you want to remove grouping entirely, select this option.
Sort Resources By Select a sorting option for resources in the grid or, if you use grouping, for resources within each group in the grid:
  • Name: Select this option to sort resources by resource name. Employees are sorted based on preferred name or first name plus last name.
  • Scheduled %: Select this option to sort resources by scheduled percentage: Planned hours for the forecast range / Available hours for the forecast range.
  • Utilization %: Select this option to sort resources by utilization percentage: Billable hours for the forecast range / Available hours for the forecast range. (Billable hours are hours planned for projects assigned the Regular charge type.)
Sort Projects By Select a sorting option for project rows for each resource in the grid:
  • Name: Select this option to sort WBS rows by name at each WBS level.
  • Number: Select this option to sort WBS rows by number at each WBS level.
  • Assignment Start: Select this option to sort WBS rows by assignment start date at each WBS level.
  • Project Status: Select this option to sort WBS rows by the project status values: Active, Inactive, or Dormant.
  • Charge Type: Select this option to sort WBS rows by the project charge types: Regular, Promotional, or Overhead.
  • Project Manager: Select this option to sort WBS rows by project manager name at each WBS level.
  • Project Organization Name: Select this option to sort WBS rows by organization name at each WBS level.
  • Stage Step: Select this option to sort WBS rows by where the project is in the stage process, such as: Do Not Pursue, In Pursuit, Lost, or Won.
  • Stage: Select this option to sort WBS rows by the current stage for the project, such as: Awarded, Deferred, Lead, Lost, or Pending.
  • Probability %: Select this option to sort WBS rows by the probability percentage of winning the project.
Show Project Numbers To display the WBS element numbers in the grid along with their names, select this checkbox. This option also applies to the display of WBS elements on the Add Assignment dialog box and the Add Assignments to Selected Resources dialog box.
Find Available/Selected Columns Use these search fields to filter long lists of columns either in the Available Columns or Selected Columns lists. Enter one or more alphanumeric characters in the search field to display a list of columns that contain those characters.
Available Columns This list contains all of the columns that are available to display in the grid that have not already been selected to display. After you select a column from this list, it is moved to the Selected Columns list on this dialog box.

To add a column to the grid, click the column in the Available Columns list. The column is moved to the Selected Columns list. Click Add All to add all available columns to the Selected Columns list.

Selected Columns This list contains all of the columns that you selected from the Available Columns list to display in the grid pane.

To remove a column from the grid, click the column in the Selected Columns list. The column is moved back to the Available Columns list. Click Remove All to move all selected columns back to the Available Columns list.

For information about selecting columns, see Select Columns for a Planning Grid.


If you select a column for the grid and you want that column to remain visible when you click Show less, click the icon to the right of the column to "pin" it to the grid.

If you click Show less at the top of the Resource/Level column to hide the columns in the middle section of the grid, all unpinned columns are hidden, but pinned columns continue to display.

The order of the columns from top to bottom in the Selected Columns list is the order they appear, from left to right, in the grid. To change that order, hover over the row for a column and then click and drag to move the column.
Restore Defaults If you change the settings or columns for the grid and then want to restore the default settings and columns, click this option.
Save After you select the settings and columns that you want, click this option to close the dialog box and update the grid.
Cancel Click this option to close the dialog box without changing the columns in the grid.