Reassign a Consultant Type Assignment in a Project Plan

In a project plan, if work breakdown structure (WBS) elements have consultant assignments, you can use the Reassign Consultants dialog box to transfer all or part of the assignment to another consultant and/or consultant type.

You can specify to transfer only a portion of the assignment if the setting to plan consultants in calendar periods is enabled for the project.

To reassign consultants in a project plan:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Plan.
  2. On the Plan form, select the project for which you want to make the reassignment.
  3. On the Actions bar, click Check Out.
  4. On the Consultants tab, expand the plan WBS to display the assignment row for which you want to reassign consultants.
  5. At the end of the assignment row, click and then Reassign.
    The Reassign Consultants dialog box displays.
  6. If you plan consultants in calendar periods, do the following on the Reassign Consultants dialog box:
    • From the drop-down list of the Period to Reassign field, select whether you want to transfer planned amounts for the entire assignment period or only a portion of the assignment period. If you select the Part of the assignment period option, use the Period fields to enter the start and end dates. Both dates must be within the original assignment date range.
    • If the plan uses the cost and billing budget type and the project has different currencies for cost and billing amounts, the Basis for Amount to Reassign option displays. Use this option to determine whether to use the project's cost amount in project currency or the project's billing amount in billing currency as the basis for reassigning planned amounts.
    • Use the % to Reassign field to indicate the percentage of how much you want to reassign to another consultant or account. Depending on the plan's budget type, you can also edit the value in the Cost Amount to Reassign or Billing Amount to Reassign field. Based on your entry in the % to Reassign field, Vantagepoint updates the Cost Amount to Reassign and/or Billing Amount to Reassign fields and vice versa.
  7. To reassign amounts to another consultant type, click in the Consultant Type field to search for and select another consultant type.
  8. To reassign amounts to another consultant, click in the Consultant Name field to search for and select another consultant.
  9. Click Reassign.
    On the Consultants tab of the Plan form, Vantagepoint can add a new assignment, merge new assignments with existing assignments, delete the original assignment (if all amounts were transferred), or adjust the amounts for the original assignment (if only a portion was transferred). If the original assignment has actual Job-to-Date (JTD) amounts or if it was saved as part of the plan baseline, Vantagepoint does not delete the assignment row.