Labor Tab of the Plan Settings Dialog Box

Use the Labor tab on the Plan Settings dialog box to specify the overhead percentage and the cost and billing rate methods, tables, and multipliers for a plan.

Before you specify settings on this tab, select a budget type on the General tab. Which settings are available on this tab depend on that selection.

Contents: General

Field Description
Target Multiplier Enter the plan's target labor cost multiplier.

The target multiplier represents how much revenue is anticipated for each labor cost dollar spent on a project. It is commonly used as the basis for evaluating the estimate-at-completion (EAC) labor cost multiplier as the project moves forward.

By default, the target multiplier for new plans is the default multiplier specified for your company on the Plan Settings form (Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings).

Overhead % Enter the percentage of overhead that should be applied to the planned labor cost to determine the profit. This field is disabled if you select the Billing budget type on the General tab.

Contents: Cost Rates

If you select Cost or Cost and Billing in Budget Type, labor cost rate settings are used to calculate all planned labor cost amounts. If you plan based on billing only, labor cost rates are only used to calculate labor EAC multipliers.

If Vantagepoint is set up to use multiple currencies, the currency code for the project (cost) currency displays next to the Cost Rates label.

Field Description
Recalculate Planned Costs Under normal circumstances, you never need to select this checkbox. Each time you display a plan or you save settings for a plan, all plan assignments are automatically recalculated based on the current settings.

The exception is if the plan was a Vision or iAccess plan converted to Vantagepoint. Converted assignments may have rate information that was saved for specific calendar periods while in Vision or iAccess. Following conversion, those plan amounts, by default, are not automatically recalculated when you save plan settings in Vantagepoint. If you converted the plan from Vision or iAccess and you want all labor costs in the plan to be recalculated automatically, select this checkbox and then save the plan settings. You only need to do this once; from that point forward the labor cost amounts will be recalculated automatically.

Employee Rate Method

Select one of the following as the labor cost rate method for calculating planned cost amounts for employees:

  • From Employee Provisional Rate: Use the provisional rates for each employee from the Employees hub.

  • From Labor Rate Table: Use the rates from a labor rate table.

  • From Labor Category Table: Use the rates from a labor category rate table.

  • From Labor Code Table: Use the rates from a labor code rate table. This option is only available if Vantagepoint is set up to use labor codes.

  • None: Do not apply cost rates. If you select this option, cost amounts will not be calculated.

If you select a rate method other than Employee Provisional Rate or None, also select a default employee cost rate table.

If Vantagepoint is set up to use multiple currencies and you select From Employee Provisional Rate, the employee's provisional cost rate for planned hours is used if the functional currency for the employee's home company matches the plan's project cost or billing currency that displays next to the Cost Rates label. If it does not match, the employee's hourly cost rate for the plan is zero.

Employee - Rate Table

If you selected an employee cost rate method other than From Employee Provisional Rate or None, select the rate table that contains the cost rates to apply to employee planned hours.

The only rate tables displayed for selection are those that match the employee rate method you selected and that are marked as available for planning. In addition, if you use multiple currencies in Vantagepoint, the selection list only includes tables that contain rates in the project currency.

Generic Rate Method Select From Labor Category Table or From Labor Code Table to indicate if you want to use labor code rate tables or labor category rate tables as the cost rate method for calculating planned cost amounts for generic resources. The From Labor Code Table option is only available if Vantagepoint is set up to use labor codes.
Generic - Rate Table

Select the rate table that contains the cost rates to apply to planned hours for generic resources.

The only rate tables displayed for selection are those that match the generic resource rate method you selected and that are marked as available for planning. In addition, if you use multiple currencies in Vantagepoint, the selection list only includes tables that contain rates in the project currency.

Contents: Billing Rates

Field Description
Billing Rates

If you select Billing or Cost and Billing in Budget Type, labor billing rate settings are used to calculate all planned labor billing amounts.

If Vantagepoint is set up to use multiple currencies and Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting is Yes on the Labor Options form (Settings > Accounting > Labor Options), the currency code for the project billing currency displays next to the Billing Rates label. If Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting is No, the project currency displays instead.

Recalculate Planned Billing Under normal circumstances, you never need to select this checkbox. Each time you display a plan or you save settings for a plan, all plan assignments are automatically recalculated based on the current settings.

The exception is if the plan was a Vision or iAccess plan converted to Vantagepoint. Converted assignments may have rate information that was saved for specific calendar periods while in Vision or iAccess. Following conversion, those plan amounts, by default, are not automatically recalculated when you save plan settings in Vantagepoint. If you converted the plan from Vision or iAccess and you want all labor billing amounts in the plan to be recalculated automatically, select this checkbox and then save the plan settings. You only need to do this once; from that point forward the labor billing amounts will be recalculated automatically.

Employee Rate Method

Select one of the following as the labor billing rate method for calculating planned billing amounts for employees:

  • From Employee Provisional Rate: Use the provisional rates for each employee from the Employees hub.

  • From Labor Rate Table: Use the rates from a labor rate table.

  • From Labor Category Table: Use the rates from a labor category rate table.

  • From Labor Code Table: Use the rates from a labor code rate table. This option is only available if Vantagepoint is set up to use labor codes.

  • None: Do not apply billing rates. If you select this option, billing amounts will not be calculated.

If you select a rate method other than Employee Provisional Rate or None, also select a default employee cost rate table.

If Vantagepoint is set up to use multiple currencies and you select From Employee Provisional Rate, the employee's provisional billing rate for planned hours is used if the functional currency for the employee's home company matches the project's billing currency that displays next to the Billing Rates label. If it does not match, the employee's hourly rate for the plan is zero.

Employee - Rate Table

If you selected an employee billing rate method other than From Employee Provisional Rate or None, select the rate table that contains the billing rates to apply to employee planned hours.

The only rate tables displayed for selection are those that match the employee rate method you selected and that are marked as available for planning. In addition, if Vantagepoint is set up to use multiple currencies and Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting is Yes on the Labor Options form (Settings > Accounting > Labor Options), the selection list only includes tables that contain rates in the project's billing currency. If Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting is No, the selection list only includes tables that contain rates in the project currency.

Billing Multiplier

Enter a default multiplier (2.7500, for example) for calculating labor billing amounts for both employees and generic resources: Planned hours x Billing rate x Billing multiplier.

Generic Rate Method This field displays the generic rate method that you selected under Cost Rates: From Labor Category Table or From Labor Code Table.
Generic - Rate Table

Select the rate table that contains the billing rates to apply to planned hours for generic resources.

The only rate tables displayed for selection are those that match the generic resource rate method you selected and that are marked as available for planning. In addition, if Vantagepoint is set up to use multiple currencies and Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting is Yes on the Labor Options form (Settings > Accounting > Labor Options), the selection list only includes tables that contain rates in the project's billing currency. If Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting is No, the selection list only includes tables that contain rates in the project currency.