View a Project on a Gantt Chart

Use this bar chart to view the project's time frame and WBS element relationships.

This option is only available if the Resource Planning module is activated.

To view a project Gantt chart:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Plan, and select the Schedule tab on the Plan form.
  2. At the top of the Plan form, enter either a complete or partial name or number in the Find project lookup field to find and select the project for which you want to view on a Gantt chart.
    The project's Gantt chart displays in the right panel. Use the vertical and horizontal scroll bars to scroll up and down and across the chart.
  3. In the left pane, click and next to the names in the Level column to view the parent and child WBS levels.
  4. To change the scale of the Gantt chart, use CTRL + Mouse Wheel on the chart to zoom in and out, or click next to Scale above the planning grid and select a new timescale value.
  5. Click Expand/Collapse All to hide or expand the WBS levels that display on the Gantt chart.
  6. Turn on Show Critical Path to show which WBS levels cannot be delayed with affecting the completion date of the project.
    Items that are on the critical path display as red bars. As you move and reschedule bars on the Gantt chart, elements that cannot slip any further without impacting the end date will turn red and become part of the critical path.