Redistribute the Planned Hours for an Assignment Range

To redistribute the planned hours value for individual resource assignments, check out the project, select the resource, and use the Redistribute Hours dialog box to make the changes.

  • The Resource Planning module must be activated.
  • In Settings > Security > Roles, the user's role must have the Access field for both Projects and Project Plans set to Modify Only or higher and have record level update rights for the specified project on the Record Access tab and have the Allow Redistribute Hours option selected on the Planning tab.
  • Resource assignments must exist under the selected row.

To change the planned hours:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Plan.
  2. On the Plan form, select the project for which you want to change planned hours and then, on the Actions bar, click Check Out.
  3. Click the Labor tab.
  4. Expand the plan WBS to display the WBS element for which you want to enter summary hours.
  5. Hover over the row or click the row, and click at the end of the row.
  6. Click Redistribute Hours on the menu.
  7. Set the Redistribute Option to Change Planned Hours.
  8. Select one of the following options from Selected Assignment Range to choose the range of dates to spread the difference between planned and actual hours:
    JTD Assignment Date Range Change the hours in the date range from the assignment start date through the earlier of the JTD date or assignment end date for each assignment. The JTD date is determined by the Job-to-Date (JTD) Through setting in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings.
    ETC Assignment Date Range Change the hours in the date range from the later of the ETC or assignment start date through the assignment end date for each assignment. The ETC date is the day after the JTD date.
    Entire Assignment Date Range Change the hours in the date range from the assignment start date through the assignment end date for each assignment.
    Specify Date Range Change the hours across the date range you specify for each assignment. Enter the dates on the From and To fields.
  9. Enter a new planned hours value in the Change Hours To field.
    The minimum allowed value is 0.
  10. To specify how to spread the new planned hours value for the assignment levels in the date range in Selected Assignment Range, select one of the following options from Spreading Options:
    Spread Hours Proportionally Spread the new hours proportionally for all assignments under that level and then across the range proportionally.
    Spread Hours Evenly Spread the new hours proportionally for all assignments under that level and then across the range evenly for each assignment.

    If you also selected Specify Date Range and there are originally no hours for any assignments under that level, then each assignment will get their portion of the Change Hours To value for the entire date range. Also, if the assignment dates for affected resources either start after or end before the Specify Date Range dates, the impacted start and/or end assignment dates are updated.

  11. If dependencies exist with your project plan, the Dependencies Exist on Plan fields display on the Redistribute Hours dialog box. You are required to select how you would like to handle broken dependencies if they occur after processing the changes to the selected resource during redistribution. Select one of the following options to resolve broken dependencies if they occur:
    • Remove Broken Dependencies: Removes dependencies that were broken after processing redistribute options.
    • Repair Broken Dependencies: Repairs dependencies that were broken after processing redistribute options by adding the appropriate lead time to the dependency relationship.
    For specifics about the scenarios that may cause broken dependencies, see Redistributing Planned Hours when Schedule Dependencies Exist.
  12. Click Redistribute.
    A short delay may occur while the redistribution is carried out. The new total planned hours update in the project structure through the impacted rows. The plan remains in an unpublished state.