Contents of the Add/Edit Labor Codes Dialog Box

Use the fields and options on this dialog box to add labor codes to, or remove labor codes from, a plan work breakdown structure (WBS).


Field Description
Labor Code Levels In each enabled labor code level field, select a code for that level. Together, these entries specify a labor code for which you want to enter plan data.

Only levels that you selected for the plan on the Labor Codes tab of the Plan Settings dialog box are enabled. Those not selected are labeled Wildcard, are disabled, and are treated as wildcards.

The labor code number and name display in Selected Labor Code at the bottom of the dialog box.

After you add a labor code below one or more WBS elements, you can select a new set of level codes and repeat the process. You do not have to save before adding a different labor code to the plan.

Work Breakdown Structure Grid This grid displays the complete plan WBS, including any previously added labor codes. To add a labor code to the WBS, first select a code for each labor code level, and then click next to each WBS element under which you want to add that labor code.

You can only add labor codes to the plan WBS below a lowest-level element from the project WBS. For example, if a branch of the project WBS has two levels, project and phase, you can only add labor codes to that branch of the plan WBS below phases.

The icons are disabled until you have selected a code in all enabled labor code level fields.

To remove a labor code row that was previously added to the plan WBS, hover over the row in this grid and click on that row. (You can also delete labor code rows from the planning grid on the Labor tab of the Plan form.) Deleting a labor code row for which resource assignments exist also deletes those assignments, both from the current plan and the baseline. If you delete a labor code that has schedule dependencies, any associated dependency details are also removed. If job-to-date (JTD) hours exist for a labor code row, you cannot delete it, but any dependency details are removed.

Selected Labor Code When you select codes for labor code levels, this field displays both the full labor code and its full name.

The full labor code consists of the selected codes, separated by the labor code delimiter character. The name consists of the descriptions of each of the selected codes. The segments of the name for wildcard levels display underscore characters instead of a description.

Save and Cancel Click Save to close the dialog box and update the plan WBS based on the labor codes you have added and/or deleted. If the plan has a saved baseline, corresponding labor code changes are also made to the baseline WBS. Click Cancel to close the dialog box and discard all unsaved additions and deletions.

Note that if planned hours or job-to-date hours already exist for a WBS element and you click Save to add one or more labor codes below that element in the WBS, a message displays to notify you that those existing hours will be moved down from the parent WBS element to the first labor code below it if you proceed with the save. You then have the option to continue with the save or to cancel and return to the Add/Edit Labor Codes dialog box without updating the WBS.