Default Plan Dates for New Projects

When you create a new project, Vantagepoint also creates a plan for that project. How the default plan dates for the work breakdown structure (WBS) elements in that plan are determined depends on how you create the new project.

If You Copy an Existing Project's Plan

If you create a project from an existing project and also elect to copy the existing project's plan for the new project, the default start and end dates for the new plan are based on the corresponding dates in the source project's plan. You specify the plan start date for the new plan as a whole, and Vantagepoint calculates the other default plan start and end dates for WBS elements based on the corresponding dates and durations in the source plan.

If You Do Not Copy an Existing Project's Plan

If you create a project from an existing project but do not also copy the plan, or if you use one of the other methods of creating a project:

  • If, at the time you create the new project, you specify one or more milestone dates (Actual Start, Estimated Start, Actual Completion, Estimated Completion) for one or more WBS elements, Vantagepoint assigns matching default plan start and/or end dates to those WBS elements and then determines all other default plan dates for the project WBS elements based on those milestones, using a set of standard rules. Those rules ensure that every WBS element has both a plan start date and a plan end date. They also ensure that the plan dates are valid (the start date is earlier than the end date, the start date for a parent WBS element is not later than the start date for any of its child elements, and so on).
  • If, at the time you create the new project, you do not specify any milestone dates for any WBS elements, the default start date and end date for all WBS elements at all levels of the WBS are set to the next day's date.

Review the Default Plan Dates

However you create a new project, you should always review the resulting plan start and end dates on the Plan form in the Projects hub or in Project View in Resource Management and change the default dates as necessary. The defaulting process described above is intended to use the copied plan dates or the milestone dates that you enter to set tentative dates for the new plan. However, those default dates will rarely all be correct.

If You Add or Change Milestone Dates

After you save a new project initially, plan dates are no longer affected by additions or changes to the milestone dates. From that point on, you must go to the Plan form in the Projects hub or to Project View in Resource Management to change plan dates.

If You Add a Phase or Task

If you specify one or more milestone dates for a new phase or task when you initially add it to an existing project, Vantagepoint assigns default plan start and end dates for that WBS element based on those milestone dates. If you do not specify any milestone dates for the new WBS element, it is assigned the plan start and end dates that are currently assigned to its parent WBS element.