Actions Bar

Use the options on the Actions bar to perform actions that apply to the current hub and record. The options that display depend on the active hub and whether you are working in detail view or list view.


Following are the more common options on the Actions bar and Other Actions menu; refer to the appropriate area of the online help for specific information.
Field Description
Find Field On the Actions bar or Other Actions menu, select this option to quickly search for any field name or database column identifier on a hub form and its tabs. The field names are the actual names that display on a hub form and its tabs. The field identifiers are the database column names for each field, which can include grids, lookups, calendars, and other selection lists.

In the Find Field, enter a partial or complete name or number and click to return all available fields. The number of matches found displays below the Find Field Caption/ID search field. For example, Files Found: 5 indicates that 5 associated fields were located.

When multiple matches are found, click or to page through the results on the hub forms and tabs. As you page through the field results, the hub form locates and then highlights either a specific form field or the grid, lookup, or drop-down list that contains the specified field record.

For more information, see Find a Field on a Hub Form.

Save Use this option to save your changes.
Cancel Use this option to cancel your changes.
Copy Select this option to copy the current record; you can then modify the copy to create a record of the same type (such as a project or employee record). Be sure to specify a unique name for the new record. When you copy a record with attached documents, Vantagepoint does not copy the documents to the new record.
Export Select this option to export records to a comma-separated values (CSV) file format. You must be working in list view to export records. The export function is disabled when you work in detail view. You can select a subset of records or select all records for export to the file.
Design If your security role gives you access, select this option to open the Screen Designer, which you can use to add tabs, grids, fields, and field properties. The Screen Designer is composed of two sections: a canvas area (on the left) that enables you to view the design changes that you make to the form, and a list of tabs, fields, and properties (on the right) that can be defined and added to the screen. Click the in the upper-right corner of a field or tab to remove it from the form.
Disqualify Select this option to display the Disqualify Contact dialog box. Select an option from the Status Reason drop-down list and click Disqualify.
Revert to Lead Select this option when you want to revert a qualified contact back to a lead. On the confirmation box, click the Revert to Lead button to complete the action. Leads cannot be linked to firm or project records. All associations will be lost if this contact is reverted to a lead.
Add Touchpoint Select this option to add a touchpoint (a simple activity such as a meeting or a phone call) for the currently displayed record.
Add Phase Select this option to add a phase to the project. Vantagepoint displays the New Phase form.
Create Linked Promotional Project Select this option to display the Create Linked Promotional Project dialog box and add a project for tracking the costs incurred in pursuing the currently selected regular project. The promotional project is linked to the regular project, but it is a separate project with its own work breakdown structure (WBS) and other properties.

If the project is not a regular project, already has a linked promotional project, or is assigned to a pipeline stage that is not designated as an in-pursuit stage, this option is not available.

If the currently selected project has more than one WBS level, this option is available only at the project level.

Create New Proposal Select this option to display the New Proposal dialog box and begin adding a proposal for the project. Enter the proposal's general information, including name, number, project, due date, and other details.
Delete Select this option to delete the current record. When you delete a record, you permanently remove it from the database. The deletion cannot be undone. Verify that the record is no longer in use before you delete it.
Print Select this option to display the Print Options menu. Depending on which option you select, Vantagepoint displays either the Reporting dialog box or the search dialog box. You can then specify the record or record selection to be included in the report before generating and printing the report. See Select a Print Option to Print Records for a Report for more information.