Display the Export List View Dialog Box

You display this dialog box from grids on forms.

When you select a view, that view is used as the default each time that you open the application until you switch views again..

Video: See related video below

To display the Export List View dialog box:

  1. Open a hub application.
    In most cases, detail view displays the first time that you open a form. This view includes all tabs and fields for the record. The detail view is the format that is described in help topics in the Help system and is the view in which you can edit a record.
  2. Click to switch to list view.
    In list view, fields display in columns in a grid and you can view data for multiple records at the same time. The control at the top of the page indicates the number of records displayed.

    You enter and display most information in grids on various forms. For information about using grids, see Working with Grids.

  3. Click .


Title Description

Hub Navigation Tips and Tricks

Learn tips for successfully navigating hubs, including how to add a hub record, use list view (select columns and use filters), and perform a simple search. The video also discusses hierarchies.