Add Files and Links to a Record

Some of the hubs include a Files and Links tab that you use to upload, view, and store files that are related to the current hub record. You can also add URLs, email addresses, and links to files and graphics.

This tab name changes from Files & Links to Links when FileStream (a Microsoft SQL Server feature) is not in use.

To add files and/or links to a record:

  1. In the Navigation pane, go to the Hubs section and select a hub.
  2. Use the search field above the to search for and select the record to which you want to add a file and/or ink.
  3. Select the Files and Links tab.
    If FileStream is not enabled, this is the Links tab.
  4. To upload a file, locate the Files grid and click + Upload File.
    Search for and select the file that you want to attach to the record. Or use standard Windows functionality to drag and drop a file from your desktop onto the grid (this applies only if you are using the browser version of Vantagepoint). The file name and description of the file display in the grid.

    The Files grid displays when FileStream is enabled. Use this grid to upload, view, and store files that are related to the current record. Vantagepoint attaches these files to the record for which they were uploaded. This grid supports various file types, such as image files, Microsoft document files, word processing files, drawing files, spreadsheets. When you upload a file, a copy of the file is stored in the FileStream database. You cannot upload the following file types:

    • .BAT
    • .CMD
    • .COM
    • .CPL
    • .EXE
    • .GADGET
    • .HTA
    • .HTML
    • .INF
    • .JAR
    • .JS
    • .JSE
    • .MSC
    • .MSI
    • .MSP
    • .PIF
    • .PS1
    • .PS1XML
    • .PS2
    • .PS2XML
    • .PSC1
    • .PSC2
    • .REG
    • .SCR
    • .VB
    • .VBE
    • .VBS
    • .WS
    • .WSH
  5. Specify a category for the file.
    This allows you to classify the types of files that you attach to each record and provides a way to sort the files (by classification).
  6. Change the Description of the file, if needed.
  7. To add a link, locate the Links grid and click +Add Link.
    You can link one or more external text files, graphics files, or email messages to a hub record. When you add a file link to the Links grid, Vantagepoint creates a hyperlink between the link path specified in the Link Path field on the grid and the file. Click the link path to open the file from the current record.
  8. Enter a description of the link.
  9. Enter the file link path to the external file.
    This is the complete HTTP, FTP, URL, or email address for the link.

    Vantagepoint automatically selects the Graphic checkbox if the file link includes one of the following file types: .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, .tiff, .giff, .png, or .bmp.

    The link path name cannot contain commas if you want to use the linked graphic in any type of proposal.

  10. Click Save.