Reschedule Dialog Box

Use the Reschedule dialog box to change plan dates or assignment dates for plan rows.

Videos: See related videos below

To reschedule plan dates, you can display this dialog box from the Labor, Expenses, Consultants, or Units tab of the Plan form in the Projects hub or from Project View in Resource Management. This dialog box also displays on the Schedule tab of the Plan form in the Projects hub if you move or drag the Gantt bar of a plan row that has planned hours and/or planned units.

To reschedule labor assignment dates, you can display this dialog box from the Labor tab of the Plan form in the Projects hub or from either Project View or Resource View in Resource Management.

To reschedule expense, consultant, or unit assignment dates, you can display this dialog box from the Expenses, Consultants, or Units tab of the Plan form in the Projects hub.

When you enter new dates, you can, if necessary, indicate how you want the schedule change to affect the distribution of planned labor hours, expense and consultant amounts, or unit quantities.


Title Description

Set Up Resource Planning

Learn how to set up the resource planning module, including selecting options for entering and viewing project, opportunity, and resource plans.

Resource Planning: Reschedule Plan and Assignment Dates

Learn how to change the resource assignment dates or duration for an entire plan or for a specific labor assignment.

Resource Planning: Reassign Resources

Learn how to change resource assignments for a project plan.

Resource Management: Project View

Learn how to use Project View to review and update resource assignment hours, including estimate-to-complete (ETC) hours, for one or more projects.

Resource Management: Resource View

Learn how to use Resource View to review and update resource utilization percentages for employees and generic resources assigned to projects.

Resource Management: Reporting (On-Screen List Report)

Learn how to generate reports in Resource Management. You specify which resources are included, the level of the WBS for which you want to see data, and the columns displayed on the report.

Resource Utilization by Organization Report

Learn how to use the Resource Utilization by Organization report to analyze employee utilization data.

Labor Planning: Soft and Hard Book Labor Assignments

Vantagepoint enables you to set tentatively scheduled labor resource assignments as soft booked and confirmed assignments as hard booked to help manage resource time and workloads. This video demonstrates how to use this feature.