Sort Resources and Projects in the Resource View Grid

Use the Grid Settings dialog box to select sorting options for resources and projects in the Resource View grid.

To specify how you want to sort resources and projects in the Resource View grid:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Resource Management > Resource View.
  2. Click next to the upper-right corner of the grid to display the Grid Settings dialog box.
  3. In Sort Resources By, select one of the following options for sorting resources in the grid or, if you use grouping, within each group in the grid:
    • Name: Sort resources by resource name. Employees are sorted by their full name (first or preferred name plus last name). If the resources include both employees and generic resources, employees are displayed first, followed by the generic resources.
    • Scheduled %: Sort resources by scheduled percentage (Planned hours for the forecast range / Available hours for the forecast range.).
    • Utilization %: Sort resources by utilization percentage (Billable hours for the forecast range / Available hours for the forecast range).
  4. In Sort Projects By, select one of the following options for sorting work breakdown structure (WBS) rows for each resource in the grid:
    • Assignment Start: Sort by assignment start date at each WBS level.
    • Charge Type: Sort by project charge types at each WBS level.
    • Name: Sort by project name at each WBS level.
    • Number: Sort by number at each WBS level. You can sort by number even if you do not display WBS numbers.
    • Organization Name: Sort by organization name at each WBS level. If your enterprise does not use organizations, this item is not available.
    • Probability: Sort by the probability percentage of winning the project at each WBS level.
    • Project Manager: Sort by project manager name at each WBS level.
    • Project Status: Sort by the project status values: Active, Inactive, or Dormant at each WBS level.
    • Stage: Sort by the current stage for the project: Awarded, Deferred, Lead, Lost, or Pending at each WBS level.
    • Stage Step: Sort by where the project is in the stage process: Do Not Pursue, In Pursuit, Lost, or Won at each WBS level.
  5. Click Save to close the dialog box and update the grid.