Searching for Resources in Resource View

When you search for resources in Resource View, it is important to understand how Vantagepoint processes the search when you specify multiple search criteria in the Find Resources pane and to understand what data is retrieved for the selected resources.

Multiple Search Criteria

If you enter values in more than one search field under Find Resources in the search pane, the search joins those criteria using AND conjunctions and returns only resources that satisfy the criteria for all search fields. For example, if you select Active in Status and Acoustical Engineer in Skills, the search returns only resources that have both the Active status and the Acoustical Engineer skill.

If you enter multiple values in one search field under Find Resources, the search joins those criteria using OR conjunctions and returns resources that satisfy at least one of the search criteria. For example, if you select Acoustical Engineer and Chemist in Skills, the search and returns resources that have either the Acoustical Engineer or Chemist skill.

You can also construct searches that have both multiple values in one field and values in more than one field. For example, if you select Active in Status and you also select Acoustical Engineer and Chemist in Skills, the search returns resources that have the Active status AND either the Acoustical Engineer skill OR the Chemist skill.

If you select specific resources in Select Resources and you also select search criteria under Find Resources, the search joins those two sets of criteria using an OR conjunction and returns resources that satisfy either set of criteria. For example, if you select a set of specific employees in Select Resources and you also select CADD Technician in Skills under Find Resources, the search returns both the full set of specific employees you selected, regardless of their skills, AND any employees or generic resources that have the CADD Technician skill.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Rows Returned

When a search returns a resource, it also returns WBS rows for plans for which the resource has an assignment with work days remaining after the job-to-date (JTD) date and on or before the plan end date. Rows only display for WBS elements below the project level for elements for which the resource has planned hours, JTD hours, or both. (Assignments with only JTD hours are created if a labor transaction exists for a project, and no assignment exists for the employee for the WBS element to which the labor is charged.)