Edit a Saved Resource Search and Save it as a New Search

You can create a new saved resource search by making changes to an existing saved search and saving it with a different search name.

To create a new saved search by editing an existing search:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Resource Management > Resource View.
  2. In Saved Searches in the Find Resources pane, select the search that you want to use to create the new search.
  3. Make the necessary changes or additions to the search parameters.
  4. Click Save.
  5. On the Save Options dialog box:
    1. Select Save as New Search to save a new search.
    2. Enter a name for the search in the Name field.
    3. To allow other users access to this search, click in the Save For field.

      This field is only available if your role has the required security rights. Depending on your search security rights, you can save for others assigned to the same role, for other specific roles, of for all security roles (everyone). If you do not have the security rights to save for others, then you can only save personal searches for yourself.

    4. Click Save.
    Vantagepoint adds the search to the designated section in the Saved Searches list. The saved searches are also available for Resource Management > Reporting.