Contents of the Add Assignments to Selected Resources Dialog Box

Use the fields and options on this dialog box to assign one or more resources to work breakdown structure (WBS) elements for a project.

Field Description
Project search Use the search field to search for and select the project to which you want to assign the resources.
Click the filter drop-down arrow on the left side of the search field and select one of the search types described below. Unless stated otherwise in its description, the pre-defined search types return only active projects. A project is considered active if the status of its top-level WBS element is Active.
  • Active: This option displays a list of all active projects to which you have access.
  • All: This option displays a list of all projects to which you have access, regardless of status.
  • Projects I Manage: This option displays a list of all active projects for which you are the project manager at any level of the WBS.
  • Organization: This option displays a list of all active projects that are assigned at any WBS level to the organization to which you are assigned in the Employees hub. This option is available only if Vantagepoint is configured to use organizations.
  • [organization level]: Using organization level 1 as an example, select the organization level 1 name to select from a list of all active projects that are assigned, at any WBS level, to an organization with the same level 1 value as the organization to which you are assigned in the Employees hub. The searches for the other organization levels work in the same way. This option is available only if Vantagepoint is configured for a fixed organization structure.
  • [saved custom search filter]: Select a previously saved custom filter to display the projects returned by that custom search.
  • Custom: This option displays the Custom Search dialog box. You can then create and apply a new custom search filter, which you can save for future use.
When you select a project, the plan is automatically checked out to you, with the following exceptions:
  • You cannot select a plan that is currently checked out to someone else. In that case, appears next to the plan in the list, and the name of the person who has it checked out displays below it.
  • You cannot select a plan that has unpublished changes or is dormant. In that case, appears next to the plan in the list, and the reason that the plan is unavailable displays below it.

For information about creating and using searches, see the Search Vantagepoint help topics.


This grid column displays a list of the resources that you selected in the Resource View grid. If the list includes both employees and generic resources, employees are listed first, followed by the generic resources.

Select the checkbox next to each resource for which you want to make an assignment. The number of resources selected displays below the grid.

You can click the resource name to display a tooltip containing additional employee or generic resource information.

Clear Selections

If you select some resources and then decide you want to clear all of those selections and start over, click this option.

Hard Book

If you consider the new assignments hard booked, select the Hard Book checkbox.

This checkbox is available only if Vantagepoint is configured to use soft and hard booking and you have the required security access to hard book assignments.

Select and Level Grid

This grid displays the plan WBS in Level, along with any existing resource assignments. Expand the WBS to display active and inactive WBS elements to which you want to assign the selected resources and click in Select next to each of those elements. Any WBS elements that have no elements below them in the WBS do not display as part of the WBS.

You can assign resources only to the lowest-level WBS elements in each branch of the WBS. The displays next to these elements only. You can also expand lowest-level elements to display any resources that are already assigned to them.

Either WBS element names or both names and numbers display, depending on whether Show Project Numbers is selected in the Grid Settings dialog box for Resource View.

At this point, the new assignments are only pending assignments. The plan is not actually updated to include the pending assignments until you click the Add Resources to Project button at the bottom of the dialog box. The number of pending assignments displays next to the button.

If you add an assignment and then want to remove that assignment, hover over the resource row in the WBS grid and click at the end of the row.

This option is available only for pending resource assignments. To delete an assignment that was added to the plan previously, use the deletion option in either the Project View grid or the Resource View grid.

Add Resources to Project

Click this button to confirm the assignments, close the dialog box, and update the plan information in the Resource View grid.