Labor Plan Summary Chart

Use the Labor Plan Summary chart on the Labor Charts dialog box, available from the Labor tab of the Plan form in the Projects hub, to view the estimate-to-complete (ETC), job-to-date (JTD), and other amounts for the work breakdown structure (WBS) element that is selected in the grid.


This information is useful when you need to compare the ETC and JTD amounts with the contract amount at billing. Or, if you are planning at cost, you can view the estimate-at-completion (EAC) overhead for each WBS element that is selected in the grid against the corresponding contract amount to determine the potential profit.

If you have the Labor Charts dialog box open, you can select other rows in the grid, and updated charts display automatically to reflect the currently selected row. The chart also updates automatically if you change data in the grid that affects the currently selected row.

You can hover over or tap a bar on the chart to see the underlying amount.

Note: The option to display charts is not available for labor code rows.

The amounts on this chart display at billing or cost, depending on the option you select in the upper-right corner of the form. Whether both options are available depends on the budget type selected for the project plan. If both Billing and Cost options are available, you can switch between them, and the chart's information will update accordingly. Billing or Cost displays as part of the chart title, so you know at a glance which you are viewing.

If your firm uses multiple currencies, the currency in use is indicated next to the Billing or Cost option. The project cost currency is always used when viewing projects and plans at cost. A configuration setting that your system administrator selects determines whether project cost currency or billing currency is used when you view projects and plans at billing.

When you select the Cost option, some information may not display if your security role does not provide access rights to labor cost rates and amounts.

Field Description
Chart legend The legend above the chart indicates the values represented on the chart and the color for each. You can click an item in the legend to hide or display the corresponding line on the chart.
Contract This horizontal line represents the contract labor amount.

If the selected WBS element is a labor code, this line does not display.

ETC This portion of the bar represents the estimate-to-complete (ETC) labor amount. This is the value of planned labor required from tomorrow forward through the end of the plan.

Calculation: ETC = Planned labor amount at cost or billing from tomorrow forward.

JTD This portion of the bar represents the job-to-date labor amount through today's date. It is based on actual JTD labor charges and includes unposted charges.

Calculation: JTD = Sum of posted and unposted labor charges at cost or billing through today

EAC Overhead (displays when the Cost option is selected) This portion of the bar represents the estimated (EAC) overhead cost, which is calculated by summing the JTD and ETC overhead amounts.

Calculation: EAC Overhead = JTD overhead allocation + estimated JTD overhead allocation (since last allocation) + estimated ETC overhead.

EAC Profit (displays when the Cost option is selected) This portion of the bar displays the estimate-at-completion (EAC) profit.

Calculation: EAC Profit = Contract - JTD at cost - ETC at cost - EAC overhead (if overhead applies)

When you hover over the EAC profit portion of the bar, it displays both the EAC profit amount and the EAC profit percentage.

EAC profit percentage calculation: EAC profit / Contract.