Check Out a Revenue Forecast Plan

To make changes to a revenue forecast in the Projects hub, you must check out the plan.

You must have the Resource Planning module and modify rights to the project plan to access the Check Out action.

To check out a revenue forecast:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Revenue Forecast.
  2. At the top of the Revenue Forecast form, enter either a complete or partial name or number in the Find project lookup field to find and select the project for which you want to check out the plan.
  3. On the Actions bar, click Check Out.
    If no one has the plan checked out, it is checked out to you. It is not available to other users until it is checked back in.

    If someone else has the plan checked out, a message displays when you click Check Out to identify the person who has it checked out. The message includes the person's email address. Click this address to compose an email message to them about the plan. If your security role has the required access, the message also contains a link that you can click to check in the plan and then check it back out to you.

    Vantagepoint automatically checks in the current plan when you select a different project, leave the Revenue Forecast area, log out, navigate to a different URL, use the browser's Refresh option, or close the browser.