Check In a Revenue Forecast Plan

When you check out a plan to edit a revenue forecast, other users can view the revenue forecast but cannot change it until you check it back in.

Vantagepoint automatically checks in the current forecast plan when you select a different project, leave the Revenue Forecast area, log out, navigate to a different URL, use the browser's Refresh option, or close the browser. There may be situations in which you must manually check in a revenue forecast plan.

To check in revenue forecast plans manually:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Revenue Forecast.
  2. On the Actions bar of the Revenue Forecast form, click Other Actions > Check in Plans.
  3. On the Check In Plans dialog box, select the revenue forecast plan or plans that you want to check in, and click Check In Plan.
    The dialog box lists all plans that are currently checked out to you. You can check in the plans that are checked out to you. If your security role is an Administrator role, you can also check in plans that are checked out to others.