Update Image Dialog Box

You can upload an image for any hub that displays an image for the selected record (for example, a firm logo or a contact photograph). You can upload a personal photograph or other image to display on the My Preferences dialog box. You can also select an image from the library of images supplied with Vantagepoint. If you do not assign an image, Vantagepoint uses a default image.

Supported image file types are .GIF, .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, and .BMP.

After you upload or select an image, Vantagepoint automatically scales the image to fit the frame.

If your security role does not have access rights to update a hub record, you cannot change the image for that record. You also cannot change the image for a hub record that is not active. For records that are not active, the image is dimmed, and the record status displays across the bottom of it in place of the Update Image option.