Copy QuickBooks Online Records to Vantagepoint for the First Time

When you first use Vantagepoint with QuickBooks Online, you run the initialization process to copy records from QuickBooks Online, such as employees and vendors to Vantagepoint.

You run the initialization only once. After that, you cannot change the QuickBooks Online database that is connected to Vantagepoint.

Prerequisite: In Vantagepoint, you must have enabled the QuickBooks integration and connected QuickBooks to Vantagepoint. For more information, see Enable QuickBooks Integration and Connect QuickBooks Online with Vantagepoint.

To run the initialization process to copy QuickBooks Online records to Vantagepoint for the first time:

  1. In the Navigation pane in Vantagepoint, select Utilities > Integrations > QuickBooks.
    You can access this utility when you log in to Vantagepoint using your setup credentials during the initial setup of Vantagepoint or when you log in to Vantagepoint without setup credentials after the initial setup.
  2. On the QuickBooks form, click the Integration Setup tab if it is not open.
  3. In the Advanced Options section make an entry in the following fields:
    • Default Vendor Type
    • Default Employee Type
    • Default Tax Credit Account: Only if you include taxes on billing invoices
    • Default Tax Debit Account: Only if you include taxes on accounts payable vouchers (vendor bills)
  4. In the Scheduling Settings section, click the Initialize Vantagepoint button to start the process of copying records from QuickBooks Online to Vantagepoint.

    For information, see Records that Are Copied from QuickBooks Online to Vantagepoint when You Run the Initialization.

    After all the records are copied, the Last Initialized field beside the Initialize Vantagepoint button displays the date and time that the copying was complete.

After all the records are added and the initialization is complete:
  • You cannot run the initialization again; the button is disabled.
  • The updating (synchronizing) between QuickBooks Online and Vantagepoint that adds new records and transaction and modifies existing shared records will happen automatically. The update frequency is based on the timeframe that you enter in the Interval (In Minutes) field in the Scheduling Settings section on this tab. Additionally, you can click the Process Changes Now button on this tab at any time to manually update all the record and transaction additions and changes in Vantagepoint and QuickBooks Online.
  • You cannot change the client ID and secret that you entered in the Client ID and Client Secret fields above after you click the Initialize Vantagepoint button.