Contents of the Labor Code Number Format Form

Use the fields and options on this form to specify the labor code levels, delimiters, and labels.

For information about the Actions bar options, see Actions Bar for the Key Formats Form.

Field Description
Number Of Levels This field displays the number of labor code levels, up to five levels.
Add/Remove Length From Left/Right If you want to add or remove characters from a labor code number, you can use this feature to determine whether the characters are added to or removed from the left or right side of the number.

For example, if you increase the total labor code number length from 5 to 7, you can select Left to add those two numbers to the left of the number: 12345 becomes 0012345.

Conversely, if you decrease the total labor code number length from 7 to 5, you can select Right to remove those two numbers to the right of the number: 1234567 becomes 12345.

The delimiter is counted as part of the total labor code number length.

Delimiter Symbol Enter the desired delimiter for your labor codes. The current delimiter for your labor codes appears for reference. A delimiter must be a special character, such as a period (.) or a comma (,); not 0 to 9, A to Z, or |.

Delimiters are counted as part of the labor code length. For example, if the labor code length is 6, the labor code delimiter is a period (.), and the labor code delimiter position is 4, the labor code appears as 456.78.

Label This column displays the labor code level. Use to determine the order of the levels (the first one is level 1, the second one is level 2, and so on).

Click + Add Level to add a new level, up to 5 levels.

Length Enter the number of characters assigned to each labor code level in this column.
This option displays when you move the mouse cursor over a row item in the Label and Length grid. Click and drag up and down the grid to change the order of the row items.
This option displays when you move the mouse cursor over a row item in the Label and Length grid. Click to delete the row item.
+ Add Level Click + Add Level to add another level in the Label and Length grid. The maximum number of labor code labels is displayed in Number of Levels.
Sample Value This field displays the resulting format of the labor code.