Create an Intuit Developer Account

To connect Vantagepoint with QuickBooks Online, you must first create an Intuit developer account.

  • You must have QuickBooks Online installed and implemented.
  • You must use an email address or user ID known to your QuickBooks Online production database.

To create an Intuit developer account:

  1. Go to the Intuit developer website
  2. On the toolbar at the top of the screen, click Sign Up.
  3. On the Create Your Account dialog box, complete the information and click Create Account.
  4. In the next screen that lets you know that your account was successfully created, enter the following:
    • Your location, such as United States.
    • Your role: Select Developer / Designer.
    • Your development platform: Select QuickBooks Online.
  5. Click All Set.
    You are returned to the main page of the Intuit Developer website.
The next step: From the main page of the Intuit Developer site, create an Intuit App for Vantagepoint.