Employees Time & Expense Tab

Use the Time & Expense tab to specify timesheet groups, expense groups, default expense locations, timesheet administration levels, and more.

If you use multiple companies, the following applies:

  • The data that you enter on this tab applies to the company that the current record is associated with.
  • The tabs and fields that display are based on the company that the current record is associated with. For example, if the employee is associated with four different companies but only one company has access to Payroll, the Payroll tab of the Employees form displays only when you are viewing that company's record.
  • The values that are available in the individual fields and lookups are based on the company that the record is associated with. For example, only timesheet groups that are associated with the current company are available in the Group field on the Time & Expense tab of the Employees form.
  • If the Automatically retrieve your record in Employee Hub/Employee Review checkbox is selected on the General tab of My Preferences, the employee record that automatically loads is for the home company that is associated with the current record. If the record is associated with multiple companies, the home company record displays first.

Group Section

Field Description
Timesheet Group Select a timesheet group for the employee. Timesheet groups allow you to organize employees by groups for timesheet entry, editing, submitting, and posting purposes. For example, you can establish groups for the employees who share the same job function, work in the same department, or work in the same office. Timesheet groups allow you to distribute timesheet administration responsibilities by timesheet group, and you define timesheet categories for timesheet groups.

If you have multiple companies, only groups for the active company display in the drop-down list in this field.

Timesheet groups that display in the drop-down list in this field are set up in Settings > Time > Time Groups.

Expense Group Select an expense report group for the employee. You establish employee expense report groups on the Employee Groups tab of Expense Settings.

If you use multiple companies, only groups for the active company display in the drop-down list.

Default Expense Location Specify a default expense location for the employee, so that there is no need for the employee to manually indicate the expense location when creating a new expense report because the location is automatically populated. The default expense location also helps populate the correct tax codes when the employee selects an expense category on the expense report.

Every search and replace update that you run, or user-Initiated workflow condition you create that is associated with an expense location, will also be affected by your selection in this field. You create search and replace update runs in Utilities > Updates > Search and Replace and specify user-initiated workflow conditions in Settings > Workflow > User Initiated Workflows.

Timesheet Administration Level Select the administrative level for the employee to determine the employee's access to timesheets in the Timesheet application.
  • Staff: Staff level gives the employee access to their timesheets only. It you are a supervisor, you can access your timesheet and the timesheets of the employees that you supervise.
  • Group: Group level gives the employee access to timesheets for all employees in a particular timesheet group. When you select this option, a Timesheet Group grid displays below the Timesheet Administration Level field. Use the grid to specify the timesheet groups that the employee can access.
  • System: System level gives the employee access to timesheets for all groups and all employees. You must designate at least one employee in your company to have system level access. When you select System, an Edit checkbox displays below the Timesheet Administration Level field.
  • Company: This option applies if you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint. This level gives the employee access to timesheets for employees in all timesheet groups within the active company. When you associate an employee who has company access rights with additional companies, the new employee records associated with the additional companies inherit the employee's timesheet administration level access rights. Also, if you change an employee's access rights from Staff, Group, or System to Company, all associated company records are automatically updated to apply company access rights as well. When you select Company, an Edit checkbox displays below the Timesheet Administration Level field.
Timesheet Group Grid

If you select Group in the Timesheet Administration Level field, this grid displays below the Timesheet Administration Level field. In this grid, add the timesheet groups that the employee can access.

Field Description
+ Add Timesheet Group Click this option below the grid to add a timesheet group that the employee can access.
Company This field applies if you have multiple companies. Select the company whose timesheets this employee can access.
Group Select the timesheet groups whose timesheets this employee can access. If you have multiple companies, the groups that display depend on the selected company.
Editing Select this checkbox to allow the employee to edit all new and in-progress timesheets for employees in the specified group. The approval workflow that is set up for the timesheet approval process defines the employees who can approve, edit, or resubmit timesheets after they are submitted. (Approval workflows are set up in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows in the desktop application.)
X To delete a timesheet group from the grid, select the row and then click this option at the end of the row.
Edit This checkbox displays below the Time Administration Level field when you select System or Company in the Timesheet Administration Level field. Select this checkbox to allow the employee with system-level or company-level timesheet access to edit new and in-progress timesheets as follows:
  • An employee with system-level access can edit new and in-progress timesheets for all time groups and all employees.
  • An employee with company-level access can edit new and in-progress timesheets for employees in all timesheet groups within the active company.

The approval workflow that is set up for the timesheet approval process defines the employees who can approve, edit, or resubmit timesheets after they are submitted. (Approval workflows are set up in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows in the desktop application.)

Expense Administration Level

Select the administrative level for the employee to determine the employee's access to expense reports.

  • Staff: Staff level gives the employee access to their expense reports only. It you are a supervisor, you can access your expense report and the expense reports of the employees that you supervise.
  • Group: Group level gives the employee access to expense reports for all employees within a particular group. When you select this option, an Expense Group grid displays below the Expense Administration Level field. Use the grid to specify the timesheet groups that the employee can access.
  • System: System level gives the employee access to expense reports for all groups and employees. You must designate at least one employee to have system level access. When you select System, an Edit field displays below the Expense Administration Level field.
  • Company: This option applies if you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint. Company level gives the employee access to expense reports for all groups and employees within a particular company. When you select Company, an Edit field displays below the Expense Administration Level field.
Expense Group Grid

If you select Group in the Expense Administration Level field, this grid displays below the Expense Administration Level field. In this grid, add the expense groups that the employee can access.

Field Description
+ Add Expense Group Click this option below the grid to add an expense group that the employee can access.
Company If you use multiple companies, select the company whose expense reports this employee can access.
Group Select the expense groups whose expense reports this employee can access. If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, the groups that display depend on the company you selected in the Company field.
Editing Select this checkbox to allow the employee to open and edit expense reports for all employees in the specified group.
X To delete an expense group from the grid, select the row, and click this option at the end of the row.
Edit This checkbox displays below the Expense Administration Level field when you set that option to System or Company. Select this checkbox to allow an employee with system-level or company-level employee expense access to edit new and in-progress expense reports as follows:
  • An employee with system-level access can edit new and in-progress expense reports for all expense groups and all employees.
  • An employee with company-level access can edit new and in-progress expense reports for employees in all expense groups within the active company.

The approval workflow that is set up for the expense approval process defines the employees who can approve, edit, or resubmit expense reports after they are submitted. (Approval workflows are set up in Settings > Workflow > Approval Workflows in the desktop application.)

Default Labor Code Section

This section contains a field for each labor code level that is set up for your company (up to five levels). Use the drop-down lists in these fields to enter default labor codes for the employee. Default labor codes prefill on a timesheet when an employee charges time to any project. You can set up a default for all labor code levels or only for specific levels. However, if you set up a default for the first and last levels of your structure (for example, Levels 1 and 5), you must assign a default for all levels.

Field Description
Allow Employee to Change Labor Code in Timesheet Select this checkbox to allow the employee to override the default labor code and enter any labor code they want on a timesheet.

Timesheet Options Section

Field Description
Check Hours Entered Against Expected Select whether to require that the total hours entered on an employee's timesheet are checked against the total hours that the employee is expected to enter for a labor period. The total hours are checked each time an employee submits a timesheet.

The selection you make in this field overrides the setting in the Check Hours Against Expected field in Settings > Time > Options.

Select one of the following processing options from the drop-down list in this field:

  • Global: The setting in the Check Hours Against Expected field on the Options tab in Time Settings is used for all employees.
  • Error if Over: Check hours when the employee submits a timesheet. An error message displays if the employee tries to submit a timesheet that has more than the expected number of regular hours. The employee cannot submit the timesheet.
  • Error if Under: Check hours when the employee submits a timesheet. An error message displays if the employee tries to submit a timesheet that has less than the expected number of regular hours. The employee is allowed to submit the timesheet.
  • Error if Either Over or Under: Check hours when the employee submits a timesheet. An error message displays if the employee tries to submit a timesheet that has either more than or less than the expected number of regular hours. The employee cannot submit a timesheet that has more than the expected number of regular hours. However, the employee can submit a timesheet that has less than the expected number of regular hours.
  • Warning if Over: Check hours when the employee submits a timesheet. A warning message displays if the employee tries to submit a timesheet that has more than the expected number of regular hours. The employee is allowed to submit the timesheet.
  • Warning if Under: Check hours when the employee submit a timesheet. A warning message displays if the employee tries to submit a timesheet that has less than the expected number of regular hours. The employee is allowed to submit the timesheet.
  • Warning if Either Over or Under: Check hours when the employee submit a timesheet. A warning message displays if the employee tries to submit a timesheet that has either more than or less than the expected number of regular hours. In either case, the employee is allowed to submit the timesheet.
  • None: Hours are not checked.
Disable Timesheet Revision Auditing This checkbox displays when Yes is selected for Enable Revision Auditing in Settings > Time > Timesheet Audit. Select this checkbox to disable timesheet revision auditing for this employee. Typically, timesheet and billing transfer auditing are enabled for all employees within a company. This setting allows you to make exceptions on an employee by employee basis.
Allow Employee to Charge Units in Timesheet This checkbox displays when you select Yes for Enable Unit Entry on the Options tab of Time Settings.

Select this checkbox to allow the employee to enter units on timesheets.

For example, if your firm uses a 3-Person Field Crew, you could set this up so that only the crew chief can enter units on a timesheet, so the units are entered once for all three employees.

Require Employee to Enter Start and End Times Select this checkbox to require that the employee enters a start time and end time on timesheets, which is useful for tracking mandatory meal and rest breaks.

This checkbox displays when Yes is selected for Enable Start/End Time in Settings > Time > Options.

Allow Employee to Enter Meals and Breaks Select this checkbox to allow an employee to enter meals and breaks.

This checkbox displays when Yes is selected for Enable Start/End Time in Settings > Time > Options.

Default Meal Start Time Select the default start time for the employee's meals and breaks.

This field displays when you select the Allow Employee to Enter Meals and Breaks checkbox.

Default Meal End Time Select the default end time of the employee's meals and breaks.

This field displays when you select the Allow Employee to Enter Meals and Breaks checkbox.