Project Charge Types

When you set up a project in Vantagepoint, you must assign it a project charge type to specify what labor and expense costs are charged to the project.

You select the project charge type in the New Project form when you add a project.

Three charge types are available:

  • Regular: A regular project is a project that produces revenue. Typically, each of the projects for which your enterprise receives compensation is a regular project. Costs charged to regular projects include direct labor, direct expenses, and reimbursable expenses.

    Regular projects accumulate transactions for the life of the project.

  • Overhead: An overhead project is a project that does not produce revenue. Typical overhead projects include Marketing, Administration, and Professional Development. You charge all indirect labor (for example, accounting and administrative time) and all indirect expenses (for example, rent and utilities) to overhead projects. You can then distribute these costs to your regular projects.

    Overhead projects accumulate transactions for the current year only. At year-end, Vantagepoint zeroes-out overhead projects so that they can begin accumulating transactions for the new year.

    Because of the very different purposes of overhead projects and regular projects, a number of fields, and options that are available in the Projects hub for regular projects are not available for overhead projects (for example, fields and options related to billing and revenue).

  • Promotional: A promotional project is a special project that you create specifically for managing the pursuit of a new contract, for tracking labor costs and other expenses that you incur in the process of that pursuit, or for both purposes. Promotional projects are similar to overhead projects in that they do not produce revenue. However, Vantagepoint does not zero out job-to-date (JTD) costs when you initialize for a new fiscal year for a promotional project.

    A promotional project can be linked to a specific regular project, or it can be a standalone project with no associated regular project. You can link a standalone promotional project to a regular project at any time (for example, after you win the contract and set up the regular project in Vantagepoint).

    Because of the very different purposes of promotional projects and regular projects, a number of fields and options that are available in the Projects hub for regular projects are not available for promotional projects (for example, fields and options related to contract amounts).

If you use organizations in Vantagepoint, projects are linked to organizations, so project-related transactions update balances for the appropriate organization’s balance sheet accounts. For example, you may have one office in Boston and another in Atlanta. When work is performed on a project owned by the Boston office, the labor charge is applied to the Boston office’s balance sheet.