Salesforce Import Errors and Solutions

All import errors follow the same pattern of identifying the record with the error or warning and then listing out the issues. For example: Opportunity Mobile App. Market Analysis (00641000008HoinAAC) Could not find owner Susie Strongbow (,Column:EstStartDate does not exist.


Field Description
Missing Mapped Field The Salesforce Import failed because there is an invalid column. Be sure to update the Data Mapping section in Utilities > Integrations > Salesforce by deleting this mapping if you've deleted the Salesforce or Vantagepoint field in order to avoid getting this error again.
Duplicate Code The record was not imported because it created a duplicate code. Select Settings > Labels and Lists to add the field and create a unique code manually. Be sure to update this issue in Salesforce as well if you have selected to update records.
State and Country Discrepancy

The State and Country were not imported due to a discrepancy in the state and country. In Vantagepoint, the valid state codes for a given country are managed in Settings > Lists > States/Province Settings. Go to the record to fix this issue. When both State and Country are mapped, the import validates the state agrees with the country. If they do not agree, this error is displayed. Examples of "DC and US" matches, "DC and NZ" do not.

You cannot change the country code in Vantagepoint. This warning simply indicates that the firm was imported, but the state/country value was not set. Suggestions to resolve this:

  • Fix the country in Salesforce to match the country code in Vantagepoint.
  • After the firm is imported, you can assign the correct state/country.
Salesforce Field Has Too Many Characters Log: {0}: the value {1} is greater than {2} in length. Value trimmed."Record has been truncated to fit within the character limit of the field requirements. Go to Settings > Labels and Lists to adjust the record.
Min and Max Errors This value cannot be greater than {0}" and "This value cannot be less than {0} Records was not imported because it did not fit within the value limit of the field requirements. Go to Settings > Labels and Lists to adjust the record.
Missing Required Field Log: Please provide a {0} Record was not imported because it was missing a required field to adjust it, go to Settings > Labels and Lists. This applies to required fields and fields that have been made required in the Screen Designer as well.
Workflow Error There was an error with workflow upon import.
API Error

The Salesforce version in use does not support web service APIs and the following error occurs:

The Rest API is not enabled for this organization.

Check your Salesforce edition to confirm support of web Service APIs. See this website for information:

Authentication Error The Salesforce authentication has failed or is disconnected. Check the connection on the Salesforce form in Utilities > Integrations > Salesforce.
Could Not Find Owner Could not find owner {first} {last} ({email}) Could not find an existing employee record. The owner was not imported.
Expired Token To enable Vantagepoint and Salesforce to communicate, enter your Salesforce token. On occasion, this token may expire and the following error occurs:

Expired access/refresh token.

Click the Disconnect button in the Connect Your Salesforce Instance field in Utilities > Integrations > Salesforce.

Click the Connect button to reconnect the Salesforce instance with Vantagepoint.

Audit Trail Information imported from Salesforce is added to the audit trail and honors the audit trail import rules.
Enter a Numeric Value This is an indication that a value was mapped to a numeric column that cannot be resolved. For example, if you map a Salesforce column with a value "$5-$10 Million" to a numeric column in Vantagepoint, the import will not be able to infer the numeric value intended from that string. This can be resolved by mapping to a Vantagepoint string or drop-down column where the list values match or it is not limit to list.
Auto Number Could Not Be Generated for this Record Check the auto number configuration to ensure there is enough "room" for the number of records being imported. To test this, try to manually add an opportunity in Vantagepoint. If it fails with the same error, then it is likely that you have exhausted the number of available values.