Matched Credit Card Charges Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to confirm suggested matches between imported credit card charges and existing expense lines.

The Matched Credit Card Charges dialog box displays when:
  • A credit card is configured to import charges into Vantagepoint.
  • An imported credit card charge matches an expense line item.
  • You used Mobile Expense to scan and enter receipts, but did not confirm matches between credit card charges and expense lines.

Vantagepoint searches all expense reports that are in progress and matches the credit card charge with an expense line. A match is determined when the date and amount are the same, and the merchant description contains a portion of the credit card charge.

On this dialog box, select the correct matches and click the Confirm button to associate the charge with an existing expense line.

You can ignore the match suggestions. If you do so, the credit card charges appear in the Credit Card Charges pane and you can then copy them to a different expense report or to a new expense report.