Convert Labor Code Number Formats

To enable labor code use by formatting the length, delimiter, and/or delimiter position or your labor codes, use the Key Format utility for labor code numbers.

This utility is available only if your company has installed Accounting, Billing, Planning, Expense, Time, or Project Control.

Warning: If your company uses an on-premises deployment of Vantagepoint, Deltek strongly recommends that you create a backup copy of your database before running the utility. There is no way to undo this process without a backup database.

If your company has an on-premises deployment of Vantagepoint, your company manages your database backup. If your company has a cloud-based deployment of Vantagepoint, coordinate with Deltek about your database backup.

To format labor code level numbers:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Utilities > Key Formats > Labor Codes.
  2. On the Labor Code Number Format form, enter or modify the delimiter symbol in the Delimiter Symbol field.
  3. Click +Add Level to add another labor code level to the labor code number. Note that the maximum number of labor code levels is 5.
  4. In the Length field of the new labor code level, enter the length number for the new labor code level. Note that the maximum total length of 14 characters is allowed for the labor code number, including the delimiter symbol.
    The Add/Remove Length From option displays.
  5. In the Add/Remove Length From option, select Left or Right to identify where you want to add or remove characters from the labor code number.
  6. As an option, you can change the order of the labor code level you added. Move the mouse pointer over the new labor code level, then click and drag up and down the grid.
  7. Review the value in the Sample Value field to see the format as it will be after the key format utility is run.
  8. Click Run.