Convert Employee Number Formats

To reformat the length, delimiter, or delimiter position for your employee numbers, use the Key Format utility for employee numbers.

Warning: If your company uses an on-premises deployment of Vantagepoint, Deltek strongly recommends that you create a backup copy of your database before running the utility. There is no way to undo this process without a backup database.

If your company has an on-premises deployment of Vantagepoint, your company manages your database backup. If your company has a cloud-based deployment of Vantagepoint, coordinate with Deltek about your database backup.

To reformat employee numbers:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Utilities > Key Formats > Employees.
  2. On the Employee Number Format form, for the Display Leading Zeros option, select Yes to automatically add leading zeros to the employee number when you enter an incomplete number in any Employee field.
  3. In the Field Length field, enter the employee number length.
    The Add/Remove Length From option displays.
  4. In the Add/Remove Length From option, select Left or Right to identify where you want to add or remove characters from the employee number.
  5. In the Delimiter Symbol field, enter the delimiter, such as a comma or period, for your employee numbers.
  6. If you specify a delimiter symbol, use the Delimiter Position field to specify the symbol's position in the employee number.
  7. Review the value in the Sample Value field to see the format as it will be after the key format utility is run.
  8. Click Run.