Integrations Manager Utility

Use this utility to manage import and export tasks by accounting period.

Videos: See related videos below

  • Import tasks are the tasks that you complete using the import functionality in Utilities > Desktop Imports in the desktop application. The desktop import utility adds data from third party software into Vantagepoint from an import file.
  • Export tasks are the tasks you complete in the Exports utility in Utilities > Imports & Exports > Exports. You create data export definitions to export Vantagepoint data to a file. Then you use that file to import the data to third party software.

In the Integrations Manager utility, you create individual integrations and assign import and/or export tasks to them. This allows you to group import and/or export tasks together for easier management and processing. You save integrations to use again in the future and in different accounting periods.

  • You assign one or more import tasks to an integration by assigning import table names from the Desktop Imports application.
  • You assign one or more export tasks to an integration by assigning data export definitions from the Exports utility.

For example, you could set up an integration to create export files that contain Vantagepoint data that will be imported into a third party software application on a regular basis.

Use an integration in the active accounting period to do the following:

  • View the status of import tasks to see whether a task was run, not run, or it failed.
  • Click a link to open the Desktop Imports application to import data from a file into Vantagepoint.
  • View the status of each export task to see whether a task was run, not run, or it failed.
  • Export Vantagepoint data for an individual data export definition or multiple data export definitions at a time. From Integrations Manager, you can also open the Definition Setup form in the Exports utility to revise a data export definition and export data to a file for the definition.

The active accounting period is the period that you currently are working in, which is displayed in the main Vantagepoint toolbar in the Period Ending field. The Integrations Manager utility tracks import and export tasks performed in each accounting period.

For more information about the Desktop Imports utility and Exports utility, see the following help topics:


Title Description

Integrations Manager

Learn how to create and edit integrations and how to run export and import tasks in an integration using the Integrations Manager.

Concepts of the Integrations Manager and the Exports Utility

Learn about data packs and data export definitions and view a brief introduction to the Exports Utility and Integrations Manager.