Import Security

Through user security roles, you can control access to the Imports form in the browser application and to the individual import processes available on that form.

Access to the Imports Form

To give a security role access to the Imports form in the browser application, display the Roles form (Settings > Security > Roles in the desktop application), select the security role. In the hierarchy of menu items on the General tab, expand Utilities and Imports & Exports, and select Imports.

Access to Individual Import Processes

Your ability to add or update records using a specific import process depends the access rights that your security role is given to the corresponding Vantagepoint application on the General tab and Record Access tab of the Roles form.

For example, if your security role gives you access to the Employees hub on the General tab of the Roles form and gives you Full or Add/Modify access rights for employee records on the Record Access tab, you can use the following import processes:
  • Employees
  • Employee Skills
  • Employee Credentials
  • Employee Education
  • Employee Citizenship

In other cases, the access is controlled only by settings on the General tab of the Roles form. As an example, to give a security role the ability to import generic resources, expand Settings > Resource Planning in the hierarchy of menu items on the General tab of the Roles form, and select Generic Resources.

Imports and Corresponding Applications

The following table lists the imports and the corresponding applications that determine import access rights.
This import... Uses the access rights set up for...
Contacts Contacts hub


Employee Education

Employee Credentials

Employee Citizenship

Employee Skills

Employees hub
Generic Resources Generic Resources (Settings > Resource Planning > Generic Resources)
Lists Labels and Lists (Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists)
Firms Firms hub