Install the Vantagepoint Connect Add-in for Outlook

After you set up the integration and enable users and synchronization, you install the Connect add-in, in both Vantagepoint and Outlook.

Installation Pre-requisites:
  • To use Connect, the Vantagepoint application must be exposed to the internet via a publicly facing URL. If your network or firewall is configured to only allow certain IP addresses to access Vantagepoint, it will be necessary to add Connect IP addresses to the Allow list. See the Troubleshoot Synchronization and Connect Add-in Issues for Gmail or Troubleshoot Synchronization and Connect Add-in Issues for Outlook help topics for the list of IP addresses.
  • The security role for the individual who is responsible for configuring Connect must have access to Connect Administration. In Settings > Security > Roles, on the Overview tab, make sure that Connect Administration is selected under Utilities > Integrations.
  • The individual who is responsible for configuring Connect (selecting the Connect Administration option in Utilities > Integrations) must have an employee record associated with their user record in Settings > Security > Users. The employee record must also have a valid email address.
  • Each employee who will use Connect must have an employee record that includes an email address and that is associated with a user record in Settings > Security > Users.
  • You must create a Client ID and Secret in API Authorization in Utilities > Integrations that is specific to Connect. You only need to generate the secret one time for each integration.
  • Windows authentication for the on-premises application requires the use of Vantagepoint OAuth with Vantagepoint Connect.
  • If you have not used a client secret for Connect, you need to generate one in API Authorization. If there are values on that screen, do not generate a new one; doing so could break the integration.

Installation options include:

  • The user can install the add-in from the manifest URL found in the Help About screen.
  • The Vantagepoint administrator can save the manifest as a file on their network and users can then install the add-in from that file.
  • An Exchange administrator can push out the add-in via the Exchange Admin Console.

To install the Vantagepoint Connect Add-in from Connect Administration:

  1. In the Vantagepoint Navigation pane, select Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration.
  2. On the Users tab, select the user for which you are installing the add-in.
  3. On the Connect Administration form, click Settings and then select Install Vantagepoint Connect for Microsoft Outlook.
  4. On the email menu or ribbon, select Open Vantagepoint.
  5. On the Context Pane, use your Vantagepoint username and password to log in to the Vantagepoint application.
  6. In the Vantagepoint Navigation pane, select Utilities > Integrations > Connect Administration.
  7. On the Users tab of the Connect Administration form, select your user record.
  8. From the Settings menu, select Enable Synchronization and then select Force Synchronization.
    If the Enable Synchronization option is not available, click Force Synchronization to manually force the synchronization.
  9. On the Users tab, click the Statistics sub-tab to check the synchronization status.
    It might take a few moments for the synchronization to complete and the status to update in the list. Use the Refresh icon to refresh the list as needed.

    A black status indicates successful synchronization; a red status indicates a synchronization error. If there is an error, see Troubleshoot Synchronization Issues for more information.