Available Imports

The data imports that are available to you depend on the Vantagepoint modules that your enterprise has activated.

Of the imports provided with the modules you purchased, some may not yet be available in the browser application. If you do not find an import on the Imports form in the browser, go to the desktop application and navigate to the Imports Utility form (Utilities > Desktop Imports).

The available imports are listed below. For descriptions of individual imports, see the following sets of help topics:

Imports in the Browser Application

The browser application provides some or all of the following imports:
  • Contacts
  • Employees
  • Employee Skills
  • Employee Education
  • Employee Credentials
  • Employee Citizenship
  • Generic Resources
  • Lists
  • Firms

Imports in the Desktop Application

The desktop application provides some or all of the following imports:
  • Timesheet Data Entry
  • Journal Entry Data Entry
  • Miscellaneous Data Entry
  • Unit Data Entry
  • Prints and Reproductions Data Entry
  • AP Voucher Data Entry
  • Invoice Data Entry
  • Cash Receipts Data Entry
  • AP Disbursement Data Entry
  • Cash Disbursement Data Entry
  • Employee Expense Report Data Entry
  • Accounts
  • Contacts File Links
  • Contacts More Info
  • Activities
  • Employees
  • Employees File Links
  • Employees Direct Deposit
  • Employees - Clients
  • Employees - Contacts
  • Employees Resumes
  • Equipment
  • Equipment File Links
  • Equipment - Employees
  • Equipment Acquisition Cost
  • Equipment Accumulated Depreciation
  • Firm File Links
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Marketing Campaigns File Links
  • Marketing Campaigns - Projects
  • Marketing Campaigns - Contacts
  • Projects
  • Projects Codes
  • Projects Descriptions
  • Projects Awards
  • Projects File Links
  • Projects - Firms
  • Projects - Contacts
  • Projects - Employees
  • Project - Contracts
  • Project - Contract Details
  • Project - Contract Credit
  • Projects Company Access
  • Units
  • Items
  • Items - Company
  • Items - Vendors
  • Purchase Order Master Information
  • Purchase Order Line Item Information
  • Purchase Order Item Detail Cost Distribution
  • Purchase Order Default Project Distribution
  • Billing Terms Projects
  • Billing Groups (Main Projects)
  • Billing Groups (Sub Projects)
  • Project Overhead
  • Unbilled Revenue
  • Corporate Budgets
  • Labor Budgets
  • Expense Budgets
  • Project Labor
  • Project Expenses
  • Project Invoices
  • Project Receipts
  • General Ledger Account Balances
  • Accounts Payable Vouchers
  • Accounts Payable Voucher Line Items
  • Accounts Payable Payments