Contents of the Vendor Extract .csv File for Corpay

Vendor information that Corpay needs for paying your vendors, such as address and federal ID number, is included in a comma-separated values (.csv) file that you download from Vantagepoint.

You download and send the file to Corpay before you sign up to use their vendor payment services. This helps them better assess your situation. You may need to send the file again when you first start to use their services.

You automatically generate the .csv file and download it using the Vendor Extract action in the Corpay Integration utility in Utilities > Integrations > Corpay.

If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, you do this for each company that uses Corpay to pay vendors.

For more information on how to create and download the .csv file, see Extract and Send Vendor Information to Corpay.

Vendors Included in the .csv File

The .csv file contains information for each vendor entered in the Vantagepoint Firms hub that has the following settings applied in the Firms hub:

  • In the Summary pane, the Status field is set to Active.
  • On the Vendor tab, the Approved for use in processing checkbox is selected.
  • In the Addresses grid on the Overview tab, the Payment checkbox is selected for an address in the grid to indicate that it is the address to send payments to.

Naming Convention for the .csv File

The automatic file naming convention for the downloaded .csv file is as follows:

  • If you have only one company in Vantagepoint, the file is named: Vendors Corpay Export.csv
  • If you have multiple companies in Vantagepoint, the file is named:

    Vendors Corpay Export <Company Code for the active company you are logged in to>.csv

Vendor Fields Included in the .csv File

The information for each vendor in the .csv file is from the following fields in the Firms hub:

Corpay Field Name Vantagepoint Database Table: Field Name
VendorID VEAccounting: Vendor
VendorID CLAddress: Address
VendorName1 Clendor: Name
Address1 CLAddress: Address 1
Address2 CLAddress: Address 2
City CLAddress: City
State CLAddress: State
Zip CLAddress: Zip
Phone CLAddress: Phone
Email ClAddress: Email
EIN Clendor: FedID
Number of Transactions - Last 12 months (calculated number) Calculated number: count unique(LedgerAP:Vendor and LedgerAP:Voucher) where LedgerAP:TransDate >= 12 months ago
Spent Last 12 Months Calculated amount: Sum (LedgerAP:Amount where LedgerAP:TransType=AP) where LedgerAP:TransDate >= 12 months ago
Last Payment Date Calculated date: Find greatest LedgerAP:TransDate where LedgerAP:Transtype= PP

If a Vantagepoint field has no value, the field will contain " ".