View Draft Billing Invoice PDF Files in Files Administration

If you use an approval process for billing invoices and you use markup on draft invoices, you can view, print, and save draft billing invoices to another location using Files Administration.

Prerequisites: The following must be true for draft invoice PDF files to display in the Files Administration utility:

  • You have Use Invoice Approvals and Use Markup on Draft Invoices set to Yes on the Options form in Settings > Billing > Options.
  • A project has approvals enabled in its billing terms, specified in Hubs > Projects > Billing Terms.
  • A draft invoice has been submitted for approval for the project, or a draft invoice has been submitted, approved, and accepted.

To view or print draft billing invoices in Files Administration:

  1. On the Navigation menu in the desktop application, click Utilities > Files Administration.
  2. In the File Selection Filter section of the Files Administration form, enter criteria to find one or more draft invoice files that you want to view or print.
  3. In the Application field, select Billing - Draft Invoices.
  4. Click Refresh Files List to populate the Files grid with the draft invoice files.

    One of the following draft invoice PDF files displays in the grid:

    • If the draft invoice is currently submitted, but not yet approved or final accepted: A PDF file of the draft invoice when it was submitted displays in the grid. The draft invoice PDF does not include any annotations and comments.
      • The filename of the submitted draft invoice in the File Name field uses the following naming convention: Draft Invoice - Project <project number>.pdf. Example: Draft Invoice - Project 152275.00.pdf
      • The ID of the user who submitted the invoice displays in the User ID field in the grid.
    • If the draft invoice is currently submitted, approved, and accepted: A PDF file of the draft invoice when it was final accepted displays in the grid. The draft invoice PDF includes all the annotations and comments entered on the invoice.
      • The filename of the final accepted draft invoice in the File Name field uses the following naming convention: Draft Invoice <invoice number> - Project <project number>.pdf. Example: Draft Invoice 7626345 - Project 152275.00.pdf.
      • The ID of the user who final accepted the invoice displays in the User ID field in the grid.
  5. In the Files grid, click the hyperlink in the File Name field to open the draft invoice file and then view, print, or save it to another location.