Contents of the Billing Unit Insert Dialog Box

Use these fields and options to add a unit transaction in Interactive billing to bill on an invoice.

Field Description
Project This field displays the project that is open in the Interactive Billing session. The project displays as a hyperlink. Click it to access more information about the project.
Phase If you use phases, select the phase for the transaction.
Task If you use tasks, select the task for the transaction.
Unit Select the unit to associate with the transaction.
Unit Table

Select the unit table to which the unit belongs. Some units are added to multiple unit tables and have different rates, based on the table they are added to.

If a table named <Default> contains the selected unit, Vantagepoint automatically selects that table as the default. Otherwise, Vantagepoint selects the first table in which the unit is present.

Unit tables with a Dormant status are not available for selection from this drop-down list. If a project was associated with a unit table that is now dormant, the Unit Table field is blank. You must select a new unit table.


This field displays if you use the Employee Realization Reporting feature and the unit entered for this insert is set up with the Employee-Specific Revenue check box selected.

Select the employee who will receive all the realization associated with this unit.

To turn on the Employee Realization Reporting feature, you set Enable Employee Realization by Employee to Yes in Settings > Accounting > Labor Options.

Date Enter the transaction date.
Show Math on Invoice If the Show Math on Bill setting is selected for a unit in Settings > Accounting > Units, this field displays a summary of the math used to calculate the billing extension for the unit transaction. The summary uses this format: Unit quantity label @ Billing rate. For example 17.0 Miles @ 0.31 indicates that the transaction has a quantity of 17 units and each unit is being billed at 31 cents.
Description Enter descriptive text to associate with the unit transaction.
Quantity Enter the number of units to associate with this transaction.
Rate This field displays the billing rate as specified in the associated unit table for the unit. The billing rate is used to calculate the billing extension amount to be included on an invoice for the unit. The billing rate is specified for the unit in its associated unit table in Settings > Accounting > Units.
Billing Extension This field displays the billing extension amount for the unit transaction. It is calculated by multiplying the billing rate in the Rate field times the number of units in the Quantity field. This is the amount that will be billed on the invoice.
Insert Click this button to save the entries on this dialog box and return to the Units tab of the Interactive Billing form. You see the insert added to the Units grid. It has a Bill status and is ready to bill on the next invoice.
Cancel Click this button to discard any changes that you made on this dialog box and return to the Units tab of the Interactive Billing form without creating an insert.